Wednesday 30 November 2016

How Do You Eat Yours?

Just for fun I'm answering Rachel (radiostar) from eternally 28 who asked these questions...

How do you eat...

Maltesers... place one in my mouth and just let it melt away (it lasts longer that way)

Yogurt... Gently peel off lid  and scrape yogurt off with teaspoon  then stir yogurt until it's all the same thickness and savour slowly.

Crisps...For some reason I can't eat them anymore they give me heartburn...I really miss them๐Ÿ˜Ÿ

Fry's Turkish delight...I love to bite into it and hear that sound of breaking chocolate into pink yumminess, then it's nibble nibble till it's all gone.

Sunday Dinner... Yorkshire puddings are usually eaten when I have room left on my plate to cut into them usually after some of the veggies have been gobbled, I usually save a bit till last though.

Kit Kat...I like to bite the chocolate off the ends trying not to get any of the wafer then nibble the chocolate off the sides at the base, then I eat the rest, the second stick is quickly dunked and the soft chocolate sucked off the end, repeat till all is gone.๐Ÿ˜‹

Crunchies... I like to bite as much chocolate off as I can, then I eat the crunchie bit in the middle, mind you crunchies sometimes get a bit of dunking too.

Chips... I like them golden but not brown and they must be cooked through, I hate dark chips that are raw in the middle.

Toast..I like it evenly lightly browned, still warm with butter and marmalade or jam or better yet cut in half with jam on one piece and marmalade on the other. 

Pasta....I like it just cooked not under or over and it must be wholemeal or (see crisps above)

Soup...I like it with bread liberally spread with butter.

Bacon butties...bread without butter with a dash of ketchup or brown sauce I'm not fussy but ketchup has just got the edge. :) 

So how do you eat yours join in it's fun!

See Rachel's answers here

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  1. It seems that our eating habits are very similar as I would have given similar answers to these questions!

  2. Ahhh you are a serial dunker I see! I would never think of dunking a crunchie!! Thanks for joining in x The comments have had me chuckling all day!

  3. :) I never paid any attention to how I eat different things or whether there is any difference in the way of eating.


Thank you for your visit, I will always answer any questions but due to time constraints I'm not always able to reply to your comments, please keep them coming I read and appreciate each and every one. xx