Friday 15 February 2019

Month of the Baby Hat

I decided that February has got to be the month of the baby hat, it's great to put everything else to one side and just concentrate on hats and in particular baby hats, why? well sometimes you just need a quick finish making large projects can be boring they seem to go on for ever and dare I say it after the initial excitement of starting a new project wears off it can sometimes get a little tedious. 

baby hats, crochet easy simple free pattern

I love playing around with my hook and coming up with new hat designs some of them work and some don't but it doesn't really matter as long as you have a wearable hat you can always find a home for it.

These particular hats were my attempt at designing an Aimee baby hat to go with my Aimee Preemie Jacket. I did start this last year but didn't have the time to put the pattern on here so I have pulled out my notes and have started again, there are so many different ways to make this hat, I have tried it this way and that until I came up with the most simple way of making it because I know that those of you who make baby hats for charity want something that is quick and easy so that you can make a few and I have made quite a few as you can see by the photo's. These were made last year I have made even more this time it does get a bit addictive I can't seem to stop.

Baby hats are a great way of using up those little scraps of baby yarn that you have stuffed in plastic bags, drag them all out, combine the colours and see how many variations you can make it's great fun.😊

Watch out for the Aimee Baby Hat Pattern coming next week.

Have a great weekend.

See all the great parties I will be linking to in my right side bar.


  1. Hi Linda, you made such cute and pretty baby hats. I have been so lazy with my charity crocheting for our church sale. I need to make some quick scarves.
    Have a nice weekend

  2. They're so pretty, and will be very gratefully received, I'm sure.

  3. adorable little hats and baby set.

  4. Such cute little hats! It's been a while since I crocheted a hat.

  5. Cuuuuuuuuuuute !!!!! All of them !

  6. I wouldn't be able to pick a favourite. The flower on the yellow one really makes it special.

  7. Adorable baby hats, dear!πŸ’• πŸƒπŸŒΈπŸƒ

  8. Love those cuddly baby hats, beautiful for charity!

  9. Thanks Linda for sharing these cute crocheted hats at Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  10. I'm the same, sometimes you just want a quick fix project and baby hats are just perfect for that aren't they?


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