Friday 25 February 2022

A Little Herd Of Elephants

 Along with the paper piecing I was having so much fun with there was something else very much on my mind, one of N.H.A.Ps requests for this month was for crochet or knitted elephants, one of these little elephants is put into a memory box and given to someone who has miscarried...

 this is a new thing for us we have never been asked to make elephants before but I think it's very apt, an elephant never forgets just as you would never forget the baby you lost even if it's in the very early stages of your pregnancy. 

I had made just two of these when I got the awful news that my lovely DIL had miscarried, I found it very strange that I had just started making these when this awful thing happened to her. 

She was rushed to hospital and had to have a blood transfusion because she had lost so much blood, we were so grateful for the treatment she received, the ambulance was there in just ten minutes and she was well looked after in hospital which unfortunately is not always the norm these days. 

I felt quite helpless because at the time I was too ill myself to be with her so I decided to make her a little memory box, it helped me to feel that at least I was doing something positive for her.

She was well enough to visit me last weekend and thankfully although she is very pale she is physically improving although mentally it will take her a long time to get over losing her baby. She loved the little box although it made her cry which wasn't my intension. She said it was because it was so beautiful.๐Ÿ˜Œ

So now we are nearing the end of February, another month has sped by and I have to say that this year has been pretty awful so far, it's hard to keep positive when things seem to be crumbling around you both at home and in our own little circle of family and friends but also out there in the wider world where the news is so grim. 

I have just been to my tinnitus group and we were told to try and enjoy the little things and be thankful for five simple things that have made your day worthwhile, I think that's good advice and will go a long way in helping you to keep thinking positive.

Mine for today are ..

  1. The sun is shining
  2. I found some chocolate I didn't even know I had.๐Ÿ˜„
  3. The interaction of my tinnitus group this morning, it's lovely to be amongst people who can understand what you are going through and have a good laugh about it.
  4. I'm completely free this afternoon to sit in my sunny conservatory and craft the afternoon away.
  5. I'm sure that I will think of another before the day is out.
What has made you smile today?

Take care until next time๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜



  1. I'm so sorry to hear the new of your DIL. The little elephants you crocheted are just adorable and I am sure she appreciated your thoughtfulness with the package you made her. I hope you have a nice weekend Linda.

  2. Lovely little elephants for a lovely thought....
    I'm smiling because the sun is shining here too...I eat a piece of Paris-Brest cake, my family is safe, I have a new book to read and plant new flowers in my garden !
    Have a great weekend !

  3. I'm so sorry to hear that your daughter-in-law has gone through such a tragic loss, and of course your son too. I hope the memory box brought some comfort to them, as I'm sure all those little elephants will to others, along with all the other mementos you so generously make. Yes, the year is whooshing by again and still such terrible news in the world, I think bringing to mind five little things that have made the day worthwhile is a good exercise to keep us positive.

  4. Linda, your memory box is lovely. No wonder Christa cried when she opened it. It's bound to take time for her to recover, but she has a wonderful MIL to help her through it. Five things that have made today worthwhile for me - it's sunny, I'm alive, I've had two hours in the garden, had a close encounter with an adorable little wren, and my knitting awaits! Take care xxx

  5. The elephants are so sweet and made me tear up xx

    1. Sweet elephants.
      I'm so sorry to hear that your DIL has gone through this. I lost a baby and I understand what she is feeling. Your memory box is so tauching.
      I am very grateful today for 3 sunny days in a row, after so many rainy days.

  6. I worked for a charity in Ontario, Canada that supported families who had suffered the loss of a baby. I understand the importance of remembering and honouring the child who was lost. The elephants are totally appropriate and adorable! I am grateful that the sun came out after a morning snow storm and that I have 10 more stitches to finish a HAED cross stitch that I started in 2016!

  7. Oh my goodness ...
    I am so sorry to read about your daughter-in-law, my thoughts and good wishes to her and all the family.
    I think the knitted elephants are a lovely idea and the memory box you made is very special indeed.

    I like the idea of being thankful for five simple things that have made your day worthwhile.

    Take care, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  8. Linda, I am so sorry to read of your daughter-in-law's miscarriage and of the awful time your family has been going through. I am glad she loved her box of beautiful thoughts you gifted her. It would be a box overflowing with hugs and much love. The little elephants are so sweet; I love the message that an elephant never forgets. How lovely to b able to sit in your sunny conservatory and craft the afternoon away. Take care.

  9. Dear Linda,I am so sorry to read about your DIL. Time is the healer so they say but she will always remember that little angel baby. I love the idea of the memory box and the elephants are really so cute and such a good idea. Take care. Amanda x

  10. What sad news about your daughter in law, your gift to her was beautiful and will be treasured forever.
    I love the idea of taking time to reflect on things we are grateful or thankful for, it's so good for our mental health to do this regularly I think.

  11. I'm so sorry to hear about your DIL. Heartbreaking.
    Sending lots of love. X

  12. Hi Linda, I'm terribly sorry to hear about your family's loss. The memory box you created was lovely and a great way to open the door to let her know she can talk to you and grieve this loss is the best gift you can give her. So many who go through miscarriages grieve alone. Bless you and your family, Rhondda


Thank you for your visit, I will always answer any questions but due to time constraints I'm not always able to reply to your comments, please keep them coming I read and appreciate each and every one. xx