Sorry I haven't been around much of late, I do pop in at least once a day to see what you are all up to but my head is spinning with one thing and another and I find I'm unable to concentrate for any length of time 
Things that have happened so far this year... not all bad!!!
- January...Had to retire from work because they closed down my unit due to lack of funding.
- Have had to deal with selling parents bungalow and move my brother from there into a safer place that is adapted for his needs (he has MS and can be very difficult to deal with as my NELH friends know they have put up with my moaning and complaining haha )
- Had a sinus operation which was rather nasty to say the least.
- Had to deal with the knowledge that my colleagues all got redundancy and three months severance pay, I didn't I'd retired because we were told there would be no redundancy money. Tried to fight it but got nowhere because I'd left it too late. (colleagues didn't tell me at first because they didn't want to upset me
) I'm over it, it's only money although I could do with it now I've just recently learnt I could have got nearly £15, 000!
- My youngest son Barry passed his PHd and is now working as a assistant professor in Qatar ( so proud of him
- I'm dealing with a persistent pain in lower left abdomen, it's been there for months have had numerous blood tests and am awaiting appointment for a scan.
- Found what I thought was the house of my dreams, it was ridiculously expensive and it certainly didn't meet all my criteria, but my heart was ruling haha, anyways 8 weeks down I got the keys last Tuesday and thought what have I done!, it's so much smaller than the one I'm in so I'm trying to figure how I'm going to squeeze myself and all my belongings into this tiny space. It needs loads doing to it new bathroom, kitchen, carpets decorating throughout and I want a conservatory building onto it. (pity about the redundancy
- Put my house on the market as soon as I saw house above, luckily I had an offer after 5 weeks but it's dependant on buyers house sale going through so please keep your fingers crossed that it all goes through smoothly, I'm now paying two lots of bills and spending my time here and there
I don't know if I'm coming or going I can tell you.
- Last but by no means least my first grandchild is due next March
my eldest son Ellis and Christa my Syrian DIL but poor Christa is suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum the same as Kate M and she has been in hospital because of it, I feel so sorry for her, being nauseated for the first 3 months is bad enough.
I'm sure I've forgotten something, but that's enough for now I think, now what have I got to do next, where's that list.