All In One Preemie Cardie Picture Tutorial

 All In One Preemie Cardie

The tutorial is for the small size only but  it's very easy to substitute the numbers for the medium and large sizes.

You can find the main pattern here


Chain 46

Htr in 3rd chain and in each chain to end = 44 htr

Work 6 rows htr.

Right Front and Front of Right Sleeve

work on first 11sts only

Row 7 – chain 2, dec one st work to end (10 sts) now make a 4 chain for short sleeve or 12 chain for long sleeve.
Row 8 – htr in 3rd chain of sleeve and htr in each st of right front to end decreasing 1st in last 2 sts, = 13(19)sts  2ch turn

Row 9 – dec 1 st at beg of row htr to end.

Continue like this decreasing one stitch at neck edge till you have 9(15) sts remaining.
Work one row without decreasing and fasten off.
right front and right front of sleeve now complete.


With right side facing - Chain 4(10) for the back of right sleeve then htr in next 22 sts for back starting as shown by the arrow  then chain 6(12) for the back left sleeve.

Row 8 – htr in each htr to end, 2ch turn..
Continue until back measures the same as right front and then fasten off.


Right side facing
Row 7 - Chain 4(10) htr in last 11 sts decreasing one st at neck edge, 2ch turn.

Row 8 – dec 1st then htr in each htr for left front and each 4 (10) ch for left sleeve..
Continue as right front reversing shaping until left front matches right front and back.
Fasten off.

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