Tuesday 23 October 2012

Memory Blanket Squares

Once again the Loving Hands Members have been asked to make squares for a memory blanket. So sad that these blankets have to be made but if it can give comfort to the bereaved then every stitch is worth it.  
I decided to knit them this time, I used dish cloth patterns which I found were very easy to adapt into eight inch squares.

Angel Square

I loved this one and thought it was lovely for a memory blanket especially as it is for parents who have lost a little child.
You can find the pattern here

Heart Square

The pattern for this one can be found here there are lots of lovely patterns to be found at both of these links, do have a look they are very much worth a visit.


  1. They're lovely squares Linda - perfect motifs for a memory blanket. :)

  2. What beautiful squares Linda..obviously made with love and thoughts Ali x

  3. Thats so sad but so lovely Linda....sweet squares ...little snippets of memories.......love in every stitch.
    keep well

    Amanda :-)

  4. I love the pink one - beautiful texture in both. As Crafty said above, so sad but so lovely. May they hold sweet memories for the grieving parents.

  5. What beautiful squares! Really love the pink one.

  6. These knit squares are So sweet, and perfect for this worthy cause.

  7. Those squares look lovely and sounds like they are going to a worthy cause!


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