A Very Neglected Garden
One of the things that is most frustrating about convalescence is the inability to do the things that need to be done and having to stop yourself from doing them when you think you are fit enough but you know that you really shouldn't.
I thought that I would show you my disgraceful garden just so that you can appreciate the beauty in yours even more.
Front and back overgrown lawns, oh how I'm itching to get out there and cut the grass, but my lawn mower is old, heavy and very temperamental and I really don't think I'm strong enough to do battle with it yet.
Flower beds choking with weeds
The weeds have taken over the gravelled and paved areas too.
Plant pots crying out for attention
I think you can see what I mean, the weather has been cold and windy too so the garden has been thoroughly neglected, but as soon as the weather improves I will get out there and do what I can bit by bit even if it means sitting down on a stool to weed the borders.
amongst the ugly beauty still rears it's head in the form of..
Red currants beginning to form it looks like I'm going to have a hug crop this year so lots more redcurrant jelly.
Buds on my favourite rose bush even though it's standing in weeds and hasn't even been fed yet this year.
Apple blossoms on my apple tree Looking so pretty, fingers crossed I'll have some apples too.
Have a great weekend I hope that the sun is shining on you. :) xx
Linking with Amy's

One of the things that is most frustrating about convalescence is the inability to do the things that need to be done and having to stop yourself from doing them when you think you are fit enough but you know that you really shouldn't.
I thought that I would show you my disgraceful garden just so that you can appreciate the beauty in yours even more.
Front and back overgrown lawns, oh how I'm itching to get out there and cut the grass, but my lawn mower is old, heavy and very temperamental and I really don't think I'm strong enough to do battle with it yet.
Flower beds choking with weeds
The weeds have taken over the gravelled and paved areas too.
Plant pots crying out for attention
I think you can see what I mean, the weather has been cold and windy too so the garden has been thoroughly neglected, but as soon as the weather improves I will get out there and do what I can bit by bit even if it means sitting down on a stool to weed the borders.
amongst the ugly beauty still rears it's head in the form of..
Red currants beginning to form it looks like I'm going to have a hug crop this year so lots more redcurrant jelly.
Buds on my favourite rose bush even though it's standing in weeds and hasn't even been fed yet this year.
Apple blossoms on my apple tree Looking so pretty, fingers crossed I'll have some apples too.
Have a great weekend I hope that the sun is shining on you. :) xx
Linking with Amy's