Saturday, 31 December 2016
Wednesday, 28 December 2016
Christmas Madness and a Blanket.
Hello all you lovely people I hope that you have all had a great Christmas and you enjoyed the company of family and friends, ate loads of yummy food and got lots of nice presents. I know I'm probably in the minority but I'm always glad when it's all over, lets face it for us Mums it's a lot of hard work, I always collapse into the chair at the end of Christmas day absolutely exhausted, it was 10 30pm before I was able to do that this year.
I had planned a buffet for 4pm, everything was set, the table looked lovely, son 3 had prepared some amazing roast potatoes
to go with the pulled beef I had cooked in the slow cooker along with mini quiches and pizza's, sausage rolls, I catered for the vegetarians too in fact I'd made enough for the whole street I think. Christmas day is my eldest sons birthday so of course I have to think of that too and prepare his favourites. Anyway they all arrived over an hour late! the crisp roast potatoes had gone cold as had everything else. You know you could cry when you put so much effort into everything and want it to be perfect but my lovely son 3 said 'stop stressing, it's their loss Mother lets have ours and if theirs is cold it serves them right' so that's just what we did all washed down with a satisfying glass of wine and everything tasted amazing for us at least.
On Boxing day I decided I was going to take it easy and treat the family out for a meal, I'd booked the table weeks ago and had phoned to confirm and give the menu choices. I even managed to get all the family there on time for 2 30pm which is no mean feat I have to tell you (see above) They seated us at a table and then promptly forgot all about us, son 2 had to tell them twice that we were waiting but it was well over an hour before we were actually served with our first course. The manager eventually appeared full of apologies and said that there was a party with a similar name and they had gotten us mixed up. We were moved to a beautifully set table which is where we should have been seated in the first place and everything went smoothly from then on, although my daughter and son in law had to leave early so didn't even have their meal! They did knock something off the bill which was only right under the circumstances I think.
When I want everything to go smoothly it never seems to but that's just normal for anything I try to plan haha, we still enjoyed the meal once it was all sorted but like I said before thank goodness it's all over for another year.
And just before the year is over I want to squeeze this in right at the end...
Finished just in the nick of time for 2016
Those 15 balls of random yarn turned into this single bed sized blanket
This has got to be one of the easiest most satisfying blankets you would ever make, it grows quickly and you get to see all those lovely coloured stripes appearing like magic before your eyes.
The edging is lovely too, it is of course the very aptly named cosy stripe blanket designed by the lovely Lucy from Attic 24 you can find the pattern here.
It has to be said that the blanket didn't take all 15 balls of yarn it actually took 828 grams which is a very satisfying stash bust I think, it measured in at 46 inches x 78.
I will be totting up the Stashbusting totals to see everyone's total stash bust for 2016, I hope that all you stashaholics will join me to bust even more stash in 2017.

I had planned a buffet for 4pm, everything was set, the table looked lovely, son 3 had prepared some amazing roast potatoes
to go with the pulled beef I had cooked in the slow cooker along with mini quiches and pizza's, sausage rolls, I catered for the vegetarians too in fact I'd made enough for the whole street I think. Christmas day is my eldest sons birthday so of course I have to think of that too and prepare his favourites. Anyway they all arrived over an hour late! the crisp roast potatoes had gone cold as had everything else. You know you could cry when you put so much effort into everything and want it to be perfect but my lovely son 3 said 'stop stressing, it's their loss Mother lets have ours and if theirs is cold it serves them right' so that's just what we did all washed down with a satisfying glass of wine and everything tasted amazing for us at least.
On Boxing day I decided I was going to take it easy and treat the family out for a meal, I'd booked the table weeks ago and had phoned to confirm and give the menu choices. I even managed to get all the family there on time for 2 30pm which is no mean feat I have to tell you (see above) They seated us at a table and then promptly forgot all about us, son 2 had to tell them twice that we were waiting but it was well over an hour before we were actually served with our first course. The manager eventually appeared full of apologies and said that there was a party with a similar name and they had gotten us mixed up. We were moved to a beautifully set table which is where we should have been seated in the first place and everything went smoothly from then on, although my daughter and son in law had to leave early so didn't even have their meal! They did knock something off the bill which was only right under the circumstances I think.
When I want everything to go smoothly it never seems to but that's just normal for anything I try to plan haha, we still enjoyed the meal once it was all sorted but like I said before thank goodness it's all over for another year.
And just before the year is over I want to squeeze this in right at the end...
Finished just in the nick of time for 2016
Those 15 balls of random yarn turned into this single bed sized blanket
This has got to be one of the easiest most satisfying blankets you would ever make, it grows quickly and you get to see all those lovely coloured stripes appearing like magic before your eyes.
The edging is lovely too, it is of course the very aptly named cosy stripe blanket designed by the lovely Lucy from Attic 24 you can find the pattern here.
It has to be said that the blanket didn't take all 15 balls of yarn it actually took 828 grams which is a very satisfying stash bust I think, it measured in at 46 inches x 78.
I will be totting up the Stashbusting totals to see everyone's total stash bust for 2016, I hope that all you stashaholics will join me to bust even more stash in 2017.

Saturday, 24 December 2016
Happy Christmas!
From me and my Christmas socks,
I really love these the colours are lovely, I've been frantically trying to finish them so that I can wear them on Christmas day and I'm so glad I succeeded, they took me even longer than usual because well, they are longer than I usually make them and I used a different method, toe up instead of my usual top down.
I followed this pattern but needed to see several tutorials before I could grasp the short row heel so it's been quite a learning curve.
So which do I prefer toe up or top down, I prefer the fit of the top down, the heel of the toe up doesn't fit quite as snuggly but I liked the toe up becasue you know how much yarn you have left and can just keep on knitting until it's finished so it's mixed feelings really I will probably try toe up again but with a different type of heel, who knew there were so many!
Last year at this time I was trying to finish socks for a friend for Christmas, I failed miserably and didn't manage to get them finished until well into the new year and I've been wearing them ever sinceđ This year I was determined to make a pair for AnnMarie and actually gift them to her and I'm happy to say I succeeded..
I hope that she likes them,
As you can see I'm really into this sock making malarky
Once you start buying sock blockers you can say you are truly hooked.đ
Thank you for all your lovely comments on my previous posts I'm sorry that I haven't left any comments on yours for a while, I have visited but just haven't had the time to linger, I will be popping round to see you all as soon as I have time in the meantime..
I hope you have the best one everđ

I really love these the colours are lovely, I've been frantically trying to finish them so that I can wear them on Christmas day and I'm so glad I succeeded, they took me even longer than usual because well, they are longer than I usually make them and I used a different method, toe up instead of my usual top down.
I followed this pattern but needed to see several tutorials before I could grasp the short row heel so it's been quite a learning curve.
So which do I prefer toe up or top down, I prefer the fit of the top down, the heel of the toe up doesn't fit quite as snuggly but I liked the toe up becasue you know how much yarn you have left and can just keep on knitting until it's finished so it's mixed feelings really I will probably try toe up again but with a different type of heel, who knew there were so many!
Last year at this time I was trying to finish socks for a friend for Christmas, I failed miserably and didn't manage to get them finished until well into the new year and I've been wearing them ever sinceđ This year I was determined to make a pair for AnnMarie and actually gift them to her and I'm happy to say I succeeded..
I hope that she likes them,
As you can see I'm really into this sock making malarky
Once you start buying sock blockers you can say you are truly hooked.đ
You can find the pattern for the cute candy cane holder here
I hope you have the best one everđ

Thursday, 15 December 2016
Christmas gifts and a bit of a catch up.
I can't believe it's a week since I posted the time has just flown by, the workers have been in today planning the work that needs to be done at the beginning of the New Year. Apparently I have asbestos in my living room and hall floor tiles. They don't seem that concerned and are talking about checking the condition of the floors when the carpets are up and sealing them rather than pulling them all up. It would have probably been a different story if it had been found in the ceilings.
A huge dehumidifier is humming away in my living room I can't help but think it should really have been there two weeks ago but apparently they wouldn't have put it there until the asbestos tests came through anyway.
So I'm going to try and make my home as nice as I possibly can do for over the Christmas period for my lovely son who will be home from Cambridge next Wednesday I may even get the small tree down from the loft.
I have even managed to finish some gifts for my friends....
Lacy bookmarks
You can find the pattern for these pretty bookmarks on Olga's blog here, it's ages since I tried to crochet with fine thread and it was a bit of a challenge, they aren't as neat as they should be but my friends won't mind.
Well tomorrow is my very last day at work it's going to be very hard to say goodbye, it feels so strange to think that I need never go to work again and that the Day Unit will cease to exist.
A farewell meal of fish and chips with my lovely friends and colleagues yesterday, followed by a huge slice of coffee and walnut cake we are going out in style.đ

A huge dehumidifier is humming away in my living room I can't help but think it should really have been there two weeks ago but apparently they wouldn't have put it there until the asbestos tests came through anyway.
So I'm going to try and make my home as nice as I possibly can do for over the Christmas period for my lovely son who will be home from Cambridge next Wednesday I may even get the small tree down from the loft.
I have even managed to finish some gifts for my friends....
I always like to give them a small crochet gift it's usually a christmas tree decoration but this year I made something a little bit different..
Lacy bookmarks
You can find the pattern for these pretty bookmarks on Olga's blog here, it's ages since I tried to crochet with fine thread and it was a bit of a challenge, they aren't as neat as they should be but my friends won't mind.
Well tomorrow is my very last day at work it's going to be very hard to say goodbye, it feels so strange to think that I need never go to work again and that the Day Unit will cease to exist.
A farewell meal of fish and chips with my lovely friends and colleagues yesterday, followed by a huge slice of coffee and walnut cake we are going out in style.đ

Thursday, 8 December 2016
Thankful Thursday..
I'm copying Beca's idea and writing a Thankful Thursday post just to put things into perspective....
First I'm thanking all of you for leaving me such sweet comments you have no idea how much it means to know that there are lovely people like yourselves that take the trouble to leave messages of love and encouragement, it's really appreciated.
I'm thankful that the damage although bad enough could have been so much worse.
I'm thankful for this great guy called Wayne who introduced himself as the project manager he's such a character and had my daughter and myself in fits of laughter, he is also very sympathetic and seems to know exactly what needs doing. He has taken samples of the ceiling, walls and floors to see if there is any asbestos and if there isn't, plans on putting some dehumidifiers in for a couple of weeks to dry the place out and then will leave the work until the New Year so at least I'll be able to stay in my home over Christmas. If they find Asbestos a specialist team will be called in and the work will start immediately.
I'm also thankful that my car has decide to behave itself, it spent last night at the garage so that the mechanics could see if there was a problem when they started it up...they found nothing wrong! very strange, the guy said and I quote 'it must have been having a moment' !? well all I can say I hope it doesn't have anymore moments and it behaves itself from now on.đ
PS Im also thankful for the great Drops Advent Calendar check it out, great free patterns everyday and it's such fun to open that little door.

First I'm thanking all of you for leaving me such sweet comments you have no idea how much it means to know that there are lovely people like yourselves that take the trouble to leave messages of love and encouragement, it's really appreciated.
I'm thankful that the damage although bad enough could have been so much worse.
I'm thankful for this great guy called Wayne who introduced himself as the project manager he's such a character and had my daughter and myself in fits of laughter, he is also very sympathetic and seems to know exactly what needs doing. He has taken samples of the ceiling, walls and floors to see if there is any asbestos and if there isn't, plans on putting some dehumidifiers in for a couple of weeks to dry the place out and then will leave the work until the New Year so at least I'll be able to stay in my home over Christmas. If they find Asbestos a specialist team will be called in and the work will start immediately.
I'm also thankful that my car has decide to behave itself, it spent last night at the garage so that the mechanics could see if there was a problem when they started it up...they found nothing wrong! very strange, the guy said and I quote 'it must have been having a moment' !? well all I can say I hope it doesn't have anymore moments and it behaves itself from now on.đ
PS Im also thankful for the great Drops Advent Calendar check it out, great free patterns everyday and it's such fun to open that little door.

Monday, 5 December 2016
Feeling Sorry for Myself.
Sometimes you wonder how so many things can happen all at once, life goes on in it's usual predictable pattern then it seems to be just one thing after another.
My department at work has been under scrutiny for the past year we thought that they would probably reduce the funding but just recently we have been told that they have made the decision to close down the Day Unit.
I've worked there for twenty years and it's been like a second home to me and to the many clients who attend, lots of friendships have been made, people who have been pushed in in a wheelchair their confidence in shreds have walked out, their strength, mobility and confidence restored thanks to the dedicated team of nurses physiotherapists, occupational therapists and carers who have looked after them. It's so sad that places like this are closing down, because there is nothing to replace them.
I have been offered alternative hours anywhere I like in the Care Centre but my heart isn't in it. My colleagues and myself are very angry with the outcome and because we the staff weren't given a voice in the decision making process, but really I know it's all about money at the end of the day.
So my dears I will be retiring, I had hoped to enjoy many more working years but under the circumstances I feel I've made the right decision, my last day at work will be the 16th December and my challenge will be to see how I can manage to survive on the state pension, thank goodness I have plenty of yarn.đ
My department at work has been under scrutiny for the past year we thought that they would probably reduce the funding but just recently we have been told that they have made the decision to close down the Day Unit.
I've worked there for twenty years and it's been like a second home to me and to the many clients who attend, lots of friendships have been made, people who have been pushed in in a wheelchair their confidence in shreds have walked out, their strength, mobility and confidence restored thanks to the dedicated team of nurses physiotherapists, occupational therapists and carers who have looked after them. It's so sad that places like this are closing down, because there is nothing to replace them.
I have been offered alternative hours anywhere I like in the Care Centre but my heart isn't in it. My colleagues and myself are very angry with the outcome and because we the staff weren't given a voice in the decision making process, but really I know it's all about money at the end of the day.
So my dears I will be retiring, I had hoped to enjoy many more working years but under the circumstances I feel I've made the right decision, my last day at work will be the 16th December and my challenge will be to see how I can manage to survive on the state pension, thank goodness I have plenty of yarn.đ
Just to add insult to injury last Friday as I was sitting eating breakfast I heard a dripping noise, looked up to find water dripping through the ceiling in the living room I jumped up looked into the hall and found water streaming down the stairs, walls and through the light fitting. The kitchen was flooded too, I ran up the stairs the landing was drenched and so was the bathroom.
I was in a wild panic I have never been so scared in all my life at that moment I froze and couldn't think what to do, this is from one that prides herself about being good in an emergency! ha what a laugh.
Anyway now two days later I can tell you it was caused by a split water pipe behind the toilet, I have spent the weekend mopping up and have had the insurance people out. Verdict...ceilings will have to come down, carpets and laminate flooring taken up and destroyed, floorboards lifted, wallpaper stripped off, kitchen cupboards removed and the whole place left to dry out before being put back together again. As you can imagine Christmas is definitely cancelled in this house this year.
Lessons learn't...
Know where your stop tap is and make sure you have the strength to turn it on and off, mine was so stiff and it wasn't completely off when I thought it was, even better have one of these installed.
My insurance documents were on-line and I couldn't get to them because the electric was off, make sure you download them and keep them in a known place. Keep the phone number in your phone.
Just have a think about who you can call in an emergency in advance (and an alternative in case they don't answer their phone) because believe me when an emergency happens your mind can go completely blank.
Last week the breaks on my car wouldn't work it was terrifying and I was lucky I didn't have an accident, but when I took the car to the garage the mechanic said that he couldn't find anything wrong? Since then the breaks have been fine but today for some reason the car wouldn't start, do you think that someone up there is playing games with me.đ
I have treat myself to this...
may as well treat myself while I still can, lovely sock yarn it makes my heart sing just to look at it.
I routed around my stash and found 15 totally random balls of yarn and have started this blanket..
Just the thing to keep my mind off things and to stop me going crazy.đ
I'll be linking with Jennifer's winter project link party, you can see all the other great parties I will be linking too over on my right sidebar.
Have a great week.

Just to add insult to injury last Friday as I was sitting eating breakfast I heard a dripping noise, looked up to find water dripping through the ceiling in the living room I jumped up looked into the hall and found water streaming down the stairs, walls and through the light fitting. The kitchen was flooded too, I ran up the stairs the landing was drenched and so was the bathroom.
I was in a wild panic I have never been so scared in all my life at that moment I froze and couldn't think what to do, this is from one that prides herself about being good in an emergency! ha what a laugh.
Anyway now two days later I can tell you it was caused by a split water pipe behind the toilet, I have spent the weekend mopping up and have had the insurance people out. Verdict...ceilings will have to come down, carpets and laminate flooring taken up and destroyed, floorboards lifted, wallpaper stripped off, kitchen cupboards removed and the whole place left to dry out before being put back together again. As you can imagine Christmas is definitely cancelled in this house this year.
Lessons learn't...
Know where your stop tap is and make sure you have the strength to turn it on and off, mine was so stiff and it wasn't completely off when I thought it was, even better have one of these installed.
My insurance documents were on-line and I couldn't get to them because the electric was off, make sure you download them and keep them in a known place. Keep the phone number in your phone.
Just have a think about who you can call in an emergency in advance (and an alternative in case they don't answer their phone) because believe me when an emergency happens your mind can go completely blank.
Last week the breaks on my car wouldn't work it was terrifying and I was lucky I didn't have an accident, but when I took the car to the garage the mechanic said that he couldn't find anything wrong? Since then the breaks have been fine but today for some reason the car wouldn't start, do you think that someone up there is playing games with me.đ
I have treat myself to this...
may as well treat myself while I still can, lovely sock yarn it makes my heart sing just to look at it.
I routed around my stash and found 15 totally random balls of yarn and have started this blanket..
Just the thing to keep my mind off things and to stop me going crazy.đ
I'll be linking with Jennifer's winter project link party, you can see all the other great parties I will be linking too over on my right sidebar.
Have a great week.

Sunday, 4 December 2016
December Stash-Buster Link Party.
Hello and welcome to the last Stash buster party of the year! Thank you to all of you who linked your stash-busting makes last month and throughout the year, these were your last months favourites....
1. A Poncho For Joanie
2. Merediths Harvest Sweater.
3. Loes Mandala
4. Janets Fair Isle Cardigan
Congratulations ladiesđ
December Link Party
- Please grab the stash-buster link party button over on my right side bar.
- All crafts are welcome either complete or works in progress.
- Link the picture from your actual post and not your blog address.
- Be polite and click on at least 2 links and leave some nice comments
- Please mention the link party in your post or display the party button in your sidebar if you want to be featured.
Any LH pictures are projects made by ladies who are members of Loving Hands, clicking on the picture will show you an enlarged version, if you would like any information about any of the projects shown please just ask in the comments section.

Wednesday, 30 November 2016
How Do You Eat Yours?
Just for fun I'm answering Rachel (radiostar) from eternally 28 who asked these questions...
How do you eat...
Maltesers... place one in my mouth and just let it melt away (it lasts longer that way)
Yogurt... Gently peel off lid and scrape yogurt off with teaspoon then stir yogurt until it's all the same thickness and savour slowly.
Crisps...For some reason I can't eat them anymore they give me heartburn...I really miss themđ
Fry's Turkish delight...I love to bite into it and hear that sound of breaking chocolate into pink yumminess, then it's nibble nibble till it's all gone.
Sunday Dinner... Yorkshire puddings are usually eaten when I have room left on my plate to cut into them usually after some of the veggies have been gobbled, I usually save a bit till last though.
Kit Kat...I like to bite the chocolate off the ends trying not to get any of the wafer then nibble the chocolate off the sides at the base, then I eat the rest, the second stick is quickly dunked and the soft chocolate sucked off the end, repeat till all is gone.đ
Crunchies... I like to bite as much chocolate off as I can, then I eat the crunchie bit in the middle, mind you crunchies sometimes get a bit of dunking too.
Chips... I like them golden but not brown and they must be cooked through, I hate dark chips that are raw in the middle.
Toast..I like it evenly lightly browned, still warm with butter and marmalade or jam or better yet cut in half with jam on one piece and marmalade on the other.
Pasta....I like it just cooked not under or over and it must be wholemeal or (see crisps above)
Soup...I like it with bread liberally spread with butter.
Bacon butties...bread without butter with a dash of ketchup or brown sauce I'm not fussy but ketchup has just got the edge. :)
So how do you eat yours join in it's fun!
See Rachel's answers here

How do you eat...
Maltesers... place one in my mouth and just let it melt away (it lasts longer that way)
Yogurt... Gently peel off lid and scrape yogurt off with teaspoon then stir yogurt until it's all the same thickness and savour slowly.
Crisps...For some reason I can't eat them anymore they give me heartburn...I really miss themđ
Fry's Turkish delight...I love to bite into it and hear that sound of breaking chocolate into pink yumminess, then it's nibble nibble till it's all gone.
Sunday Dinner... Yorkshire puddings are usually eaten when I have room left on my plate to cut into them usually after some of the veggies have been gobbled, I usually save a bit till last though.
Kit Kat...I like to bite the chocolate off the ends trying not to get any of the wafer then nibble the chocolate off the sides at the base, then I eat the rest, the second stick is quickly dunked and the soft chocolate sucked off the end, repeat till all is gone.đ
Crunchies... I like to bite as much chocolate off as I can, then I eat the crunchie bit in the middle, mind you crunchies sometimes get a bit of dunking too.
Chips... I like them golden but not brown and they must be cooked through, I hate dark chips that are raw in the middle.
Toast..I like it evenly lightly browned, still warm with butter and marmalade or jam or better yet cut in half with jam on one piece and marmalade on the other.
Pasta....I like it just cooked not under or over and it must be wholemeal or (see crisps above)
Soup...I like it with bread liberally spread with butter.
Bacon butties...bread without butter with a dash of ketchup or brown sauce I'm not fussy but ketchup has just got the edge. :)
So how do you eat yours join in it's fun!
See Rachel's answers here

Sunday, 27 November 2016
Slightly odd and not quite perfect
At the beginning of the year, I challenged myself to make a sock a month but as usual my well meaning targets always go by the wayside, I started this particular pair back in February when I intended making five pairs this year ha!
As you can see they are odd and they certainly aren't perfect but I love them just the same.
I wonder if I'll ever manage to make a pair that actually match, have no dropped stitches and have the perfect shape. I always start out with good intentions but it never happens I wonder why.
The thing I have learnt is, sock making is very forgiving if you do drop a stitch or they have the odd hole here and there it's easy to weave away the mistakes and once you wear them they look just fine. At least they are fine if I'm going to wear them myself, I have yet to make a pair that have been perfect enough to be gifted apart from these (men don't look so closely) My daughter says she wants them she loves them even if they are slightly odd so that's where they are going.
The yarn is Sirdar heart and sole in shade hip hop 0107 knit with size 2.5mm circular needles using the magic loop method and following this pattern.
I've already got another pair of socks on the needles hopefully to be gifted to a the friend who was supposed to get these last year and didn't but lets just see how they turn out first shall we.
Have a great week.đ
I will be linking these socks to all the great parties listed on my right sidebar.

As you can see they are odd and they certainly aren't perfect but I love them just the same.
I wonder if I'll ever manage to make a pair that actually match, have no dropped stitches and have the perfect shape. I always start out with good intentions but it never happens I wonder why.
The thing I have learnt is, sock making is very forgiving if you do drop a stitch or they have the odd hole here and there it's easy to weave away the mistakes and once you wear them they look just fine. At least they are fine if I'm going to wear them myself, I have yet to make a pair that have been perfect enough to be gifted apart from these (men don't look so closely) My daughter says she wants them she loves them even if they are slightly odd so that's where they are going.
The yarn is Sirdar heart and sole in shade hip hop 0107 knit with size 2.5mm circular needles using the magic loop method and following this pattern.
I've already got another pair of socks on the needles hopefully to be gifted to a the friend who was supposed to get these last year and didn't but lets just see how they turn out first shall we.
Have a great week.đ
I will be linking these socks to all the great parties listed on my right sidebar.

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