Thursday, 15 December 2016

Christmas gifts and a bit of a catch up.

I can't believe it's a week since I posted the time has just flown by, the workers have been in today planning the work that needs to be done at the beginning of the New Year.  Apparently I have asbestos in my living room and hall floor tiles. They don't seem that concerned and are talking about checking the condition of the floors when the carpets are up and sealing them rather than pulling them all up. It would have probably been a different story if it had been found in the ceilings. 
A huge dehumidifier is humming away in my living room I can't help but think it should really have been there two weeks ago but apparently they wouldn't have put it there until the asbestos tests came through anyway. 

So I'm going to try and make my home as nice as I possibly can do for over the Christmas period for my lovely son who will be home from Cambridge next Wednesday I may even get the small tree down from the loft.  

I have even managed to finish some gifts for my friends....

crochet bookmarks, easy crochet, christmas gifts

I always like to give them a small crochet gift it's usually a christmas tree decoration but this year I made something a little bit different..

 Lacy bookmarks

 You can find the pattern for these pretty bookmarks on Olga's blog here, it's ages since I tried to crochet with fine thread and it was a bit of a challenge, they aren't as neat as they should be but my friends won't mind.

Well tomorrow is my very last day at work it's going to be very hard to say goodbye, it feels so strange to think that I need never go to work again and that the Day Unit will cease to exist. 

A farewell meal of fish and chips with my lovely friends and colleagues yesterday, followed by a huge slice of coffee and walnut cake we are going out in style.😊

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  1. Love the bookmarks Linda.


  2. BLess your heart Linda, leaving a place you have worked for for such a long time must be very hard. Hope they can indeed seal the floors. Your gifts are lovely.

  3. Its good that they aren't too concerned and it was found in the floor tiles and not the ceiling. I think those bookmarks are very nice they will love them! it will be hard to leave work hope you enjoy your retirement!

  4. Hi Linda... You must be sad and it understood, after so many years of work at one place it's so difficult to say Good bye, but take it as a new beginning.
    I wish your house gets in order soon.
    The crochet bookmarks look beautiful, those who get them will be happy to have them :) Have a happy weekend ahead!

  5. Hi Linda !!!!
    Lovely gifts you made !!!
    Hope 2017 will be full of joy and time to do what you love...

  6. so sad, your last day at work.
    The bookmarks are so pretty, very nice with the butterflies!
    Have a nice weekend,

  7. Lovely bookmarks, Linda!! Hope you have a better 2017.

  8. Beautiful bookmarks. I hope your last day went well.

  9. The bookmarks are delightful, Linda. It's such a shame that the day unit is closing, but I'm sure that other opportunities will open up as you move to a new stage in your life. Let's hope the flood works don't take long to be completed x

  10. Sorry to hear about the asbestos in your floors. That's no fun.
    Your bookmarks are lovely. Thank you for linking to my blog.
    Hope you had a great last day at work. It is a bit sad.
    Happy Holidays to you and your family!

  11. I hope that all goes well with the house and that you can have as good a Christmas there as possible. Glad your last day at work went as well as it could even though it was of course very sad. Hope that Christmas is as good as it can be. Hugs. xx

  12. Your bookmarks are so pretty! What nice gifts. Homemade things are always the best gifts. Glad they are getting things underway to repair your house. I hope you have a good holiday with your family. Congrats again on your retirement. It's sad that they are closing, but I'm happy for you to be able to retire. I can't wait until I'm finished for good...just a few more days! I can't wait to be FREE right along with you!

  13. Moving on is always hard. I moved job recently, and wonder how long I will feel like Billy no-mates at the new job. Your bookmarks are really lovely, I'm sure your friends will really appreciate them.

  14. Think of all that extra time you will have for your hobbies. 2017 will be a better year for all of us, I hope. 2016 was dreadful and your flood must have felt like the final straw.

  15. Очень красиво!

  16. I love your lacy bookmarks, Linda. So pretty! Thanks for sharing the pattern. I'm always looking for a bookmark...if only to mark all the crochet patterns in magazines that I want to add to my queue of future projects.

    In some ways, your retirement is timely if it will allow you the time and energy to focus on fixing up your home. Asbestos is not supposed to be dangerous if left undisturbed so the idea of leaving the floor tiles in place and sealing them makes a lot of sense.

    Sorry to be so late in catching up with your news - 2016 has been very busy but I am looking forward to catching up over the Christmas-New Year break.

    Have a safe and peaceful Christmas, Linda, and may 2017 bring better days.


Thank you for your visit, I will always answer any questions but due to time constraints I'm not always able to reply to your comments, please keep them coming I read and appreciate each and every one. xx