Thursday, 6 April 2017

It's That time of Year Again!

In the run up to Easter there is always a frenzied attempt to make as many chickens as is possible in the time available.  I thought this year would be different because I'm not working anymore and there would be no Easter raffle to make them for, I thought it would be nice not to have to make countless chicks for a change, this year I could relax and not even think about blinkin chicks.WRONG!

As a result of my retirement I decided I needed to get out there and join some groups and I found a knit and natter just around the corner at my local Library. They meet every
Monday morning and guess what they were doing, yes you have guessed it...chicks apparently they have a raffle too, I could have made a bunny or two but because time is short and because I can make them with my eyes closed I decided I had no option other than to make chicks yet again.

I don't mind really I don't but I have discovered that there is a limit as to how many I can make before I go crazy.  I decided to vary things a little too and made an Easter basket for some of them to sit in. The basket was very easy to make I used Stylecraft Aran but I found that the basket was very floppy and needed stiffening so I gently squeezed the basket in a solution of equal quantities of PVA glue and water. I then pulled it into shape and stood a cereal bowl inside of it and another bowl upside down on top of the of the other bowl (rims together) and shaped the handle over the top of it. It took a couple of days to dry out but I'm pleased to say it worked, it's now standing amongst all the other prizes on the raffle table in the Library.  I must say those ladies are very talented there are some lovely prizes I must try to remember to take a photo to show you before everything is raffled. 
The money for the raffle is going to the Great North Air Ambulance who do a
tremendous job in our area.

I also discovered that those chocolate creme eggs have shrunk quite a bit and the pattern I had designed for them was way too big, it was fine for larger eggs but although you can sew a few stitches together at the bottom to stop the creme eggs from falling out I decided to make a smaller sized chick.

I have updated the pattern so that you have a choice of large chick or small chick in knit or crochet or you could always make a few of each.😊

Chick pattern here or click the featured post top right side bar.

Basket Pattern here

Have you made any chicks this year, if so how many?

Thank you everyone for all the lovely comments about my last post, apart from feeling like I've been punched in the nose 😲 I am feeling much better.  I can't wait to get out into the garden and start tidying it up and cut the grass, apparently the weather is going to be lovely for the next few days so I'll start slow and do a bit this weekend.

Have a great weekend whatever you're up too.

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  1. Your chicks and basket are adorable linda.


  2. I can hear an inward groan when you talk about making chicks! I've never made even one, but I did (almost) finish a big brown bunny last year ... or maybe it was the year before/or two?! I forget. He just needs ears sewn on, but for some reason I can't back into it. Your chicks look cute all in a row, and great idea with the basket! Your new knit 'n natter ladies are going to be so happy you joined their group ;) Enjoy your warm weekend!

  3. Good Afternoon Linda, I have just popped by to see how you are doing. Are you feeling any better. You mentioned that it would take a few weeks for your sinuses to clear.... I do hope they are clearing for you and that you are on the road to recovery.
    You sound like a busy bee.... I often smile when people say they really don't know what they will do when they retire, because I find my days are filled to the brim. I love the name of your knitting group Knit and Natter.... because we all love a good natter, don't we.
    Your little ducks are cute. I will have to do a test as far as the Creme eggs are concerned (lol) as I haven't eaten one for quite a few years, but if you want someone to test them.... then I'm your woman. You know me and my love of chocolate.
    Take good care of yourself.
    Best wishes

  4. Ooh I meant to mention. I love your header.... it brings a smile to my face as well.

  5. You've made quite a few of them. I haven't done a thing for Easter. I've thought about it but haven't tackled anything yet. I think it's wonderful you found a group you can contribute your talents to. The basket was a nice addition.
    xx Beca

  6. Funny story :-) I love those chicks by the way, but I can totally imagine how boring it must be to make so many of them.
    Have a wonderful day, Sigrid

  7. Isn't it funny how the chicks have followed you!! You must be destined to make them each year. They are adorable and look lovely in the basket. Hope you raise lots of money with them!

  8. Linda I love your chicks and cute Easter basket! They are just perfect raffle prizes. Many thanks for the links to the patterns. Hope you are feeling much better from your operation and all best wishes for your retirement. How lovely to think you do not have to work any more -it sounds like you will be keeping very busy as always though! Best wishes Alison xx

  9. So cute !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Plenty of success with your raise money !
    Have a shinny weekend !

  10. That's a cute pattern, and I tried to get the pdf but it won't open for me.

    1. Sorry about that Linda it won't for me either but I have changed it to a print friendly version and that seems to be working ok. :)

  11. So funny, the chicks and basket for Easter are very beautiful!!!

  12. Life has a habit of surprising us - whatever plans we make - somehow the universe has it own ideas! Great work Linda, and for a great cause too :) x

  13. Your crochet chicks and basket are so cute, Linda:)

  14. That is a coincidence. Cute chicks!! I have just read your message on my blog. Yep! I do know how you feel! I rather like the basket so I am going over to download the pattern. I won't fill it with chicks though more like chocolate eggs.

    keep well

    Amanda xx

  15. Ahh, those chickens are adorable!

  16. Those are cute chicks! It's funny that you thought you would be off the hook this year but it seems like a calling every year! I haven't knitting any chicks before but they look fun to make. I am feeling the itch to make something for Easter this year, I better start soon!

  17. So fun i love it and to be my best ideas at home <3

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  18. I love your crocheted Easter chicks Linda! Thanks for sharing them at C&C with J&J.
    Have a Happy Easter.


Thank you for your visit, I will always answer any questions but due to time constraints I'm not always able to reply to your comments, please keep them coming I read and appreciate each and every one. xx