Wednesday 15 May 2024

I'm Still Here!

 Once again I'm just popping in to say hi.  I'm still pretty swamped with family stuff right now, two of my family members are going through serious surgery.  One had their operation last week and the surgery went well but we won't know how successful it was for enother couple of weeks.  The next one is this Friday and it's a big one! I daren't say too much about it but as you can imagine we are all hoping and praying that it will go well.

I hope you are all doing well, I will get back to this little space of mine once things calm down a little.

In the meantime here is a little light relief in the form of a video that I made with photos I took from our first u3a gardening trip of the year to Parcevall House & Gardens set in the beautiful Yorkshire Dales.


  1. Nice to hear from you but sorry to hear you're experiencing family illness at the moment. Sending my best wishes and hopes that things go well. We often pass by Parcevall Hall when we're visiting the Dales but we've never been, it looks beautiful with with Yorkshire Dales as its backdrop.

    1. Thank you Jo, Parcevall Hall is well worth a visit but I think it will be lovely later in the summer when the gardens are in bloom.

  2. I have everything crossed for your relatives going through a traumatic time right now. I hope it works out well for them both. I love your little video of Parcevall Hall and have to admit that I've never heard of it. Keep strong for your family xxx

  3. Thank you Babs, I'm trying to but I'm just wishing it was all over, will let you know how they get on. Xxx

  4. Good to hear from you, Linda. That is a nice video of a beautiful place!

  5. It was nice to see this post from you and I enjoyed the video from Parcevall House and Gardens.

    Sorry to read about the family illnesses. I send my thoughts and good wishes and hope that all goes well.

    All the best Jan

    Parcevall House & Gardens

  6. Glad you are ok Linda !
    And sorry for your relatives...
    Lovely video ! The garden and flowers are beautiful...and the landscape, gorgeous !
    Have a shinny day !
    Take care !

  7. It's lovely to hear from you, Linda. Sending lots of love, hoping everything goes well for your family members. Xx

  8. Linda, so sorry to hear about the health of family members. I hope all is well and take care.

  9. Have missed you. Hope all goes well with your family's operations. Take your time too and only come back when you are ready. Lovely video you made of Parcevall House and gardens. Wishing you all the best in the coming weeks x

  10. Hoping things go well for your family surgeries and recoveries. Congrats on the new grandson. I don't send up updates on my website anymore, just post when I feel like it. Catch up with your soon.

  11. Sorry to hear about the family's surgeries. Hope all goes well. Nice video, loved the water fall.

  12. I've found myself here late, Linda. I'm sorry some of your family have had difficult surgeries. I so hope that all went well and they are recovering with each day. Life is difficult when our loved ones are struggling with ill health. Parcevall House & Gardens looks like the perfect place in which to wander. It's beautiful. Spring has certainly arrived there. Take care, dear Linda. Xx

  13. I hope that all is well for those who had surgery, and with you! Thank you for that lovely video.

  14. Waving hi as I make my blog rounds and hope things are improving for you and yours.


Thank you for your visit, I will always answer any questions but due to time constraints I'm not always able to reply to your comments, please keep them coming I read and appreciate each and every one. xx