Friday, 31 January 2025

New Starts For the New Year.

 So here we are at the end of January, I know everyone thinks that January seems to be a long month but it's passed very quickly for me.

Lots of things have been happening to keep me busy.

I have started two new groups in our u3a, I have called the first one The Hobby Hub where members can come along for a couple of hours and sit in a warm inviting space, have a cuppa a chat and work on their favourite hobby, I have things there already available for them to use, like puzzle books, adult colouring books, playing cards, a book and a magazine exchange.

At the first session we had members knitting, making jewellery, bead art, Iris folding, crochet, chess and chess tuition, some were using the puzzle books, reading magazines and some just came for a chat.

I was very worried because the weather was bad that no one would turn up, but thankfully we had good attendance and I think we will have even more people coming to our next session next Monday. I am going to introduce Decoupage and Diamond Art, one of our male members is bringing his backgammon set and we are going to set up a jigsaw to work on.







Please let me know if you lovely people have any suggestions.

The second group I called UDance, I compile a playlist of music to dance to from YouTube and we have two whole hours of dancing pleasure. Members are invited to send in their requests, but it looks like they are quite happy to let me do the choosing, some have asked for line dancing so I have selected a couple of line dances along with tutorials for them to follow. 

Trying to find enough music for a couple of hours of dancing was proving quite a challenge until I came up with idea of finding tracks from the top twenty pop charts, as it's January 2025 I have found music from January 1965, 75, 85, 95 and 2015. That way I'll just change the month and I'll never be stuck, ingenious don't you think haha. 

Everyone seemed to enjoyed the first session, as we are all in the 60's and up age group I started with a warm up video and told those who were unable to dance to just sway in their chair or tap their feet, even stand up and hold onto the back of it.  I myself have got to be very careful because if you remember I slipped a disc last October and my back is still troubling me but I'm sure that gentle exercise can only help although I have to say I was aching after the last session.

We are very lucky as our u3a meet in our Town Hall and there is plenty of space for us to dance in and the staff help me to set up the laptop to the screen and speaker, I wouldn't have a clue otherwise. I'm looking forward to our next session next Monday, it will be a very busy day, Hobby Hub in the morning and UDance in the afternoon.

Come along and join us you would be very welcome. 😊


  1. I do feel that January has passed by very quickly. Sure sounds like you are keeping extra busy. Your two new initiatives sound like a lot of fun and lots of choices of activities enjoyable by all.

  2. They all sound fantastic ideas Linda. I tried to get people to go to a village hall pop in once a month. Similar to yours without the exercise eg play games or bring craft etc. Myself and another lady provided cups of tea & coffee, sometimes biscuits, all no charge. There were books and jigsaws available to take home. It was a cold hall and attendance was poor, it seemed to pick up but then dropped off. During a cold spell nobody bothered after that. Sadly it closed. All the best x

    1. Oh that's really sad that your class closed down. Maybe the cold hall had something to do with it? Sometimes it's hard to make yourself get up and join in the fun, especially when it's cold and miserable outside.

  3. These are such great ideas and I absolutely love those earrings!

  4. Wow Linda, it looks like you are super busy with crafting and dancing. I love those pretty earrings you made! I'm looking forward to what February brings. Wishing you a happy February.

  5. I think January has gone by quite quickly and can't believe that tomorrow sees the start of February!
    You've got some good ideas for u3a, I'm sure everyone is going to enjoy the gatherings.

    All the best Jan

  6. What great ideas Linda! You are very resourceful. I don't know how you find time to just live life, you are always doing something! The bead art looks particularly inspiring and well done for getting people along to join in.

  7. Two brilliant groups. A hobby group is a great way to introduce people to new things and a dance group brilliant exercise, and both while enjoying other's company.

  8. Sounds like you're keeping busy and finding good activities for all. Your selecting the top music of the period is super smart. Well done and keep up the good work.

  9. A hobby group and dance group are brilliant ideas that lots of people can enjoy. I hope they are really well attended and people enjoy the activities and make new friends.

  10. Your u3a activities sound like great fun. And some good exercise with the dancing. What a great way to get out and socialize, and have something fun to do!


Thank you for your visit, I will always answer any questions but due to time constraints I'm not always able to reply to your comments, please keep them coming I read and appreciate each and every one. xx