Saturday 24 September 2011

New Hooks

There are so many clever people out there in blog land it amazes me sometimes when I see the beautiful work that has been created,  the trouble is, it inspires and encourages me to try something new and I drop what I'm doing and start something else. I must have more discipline and  finish what I am doing before I start a new piece of work.  I'm sure that there are many like me.  I am obsessed with crochet at the moment my every spare moment is spent with hook in hand, even when I should really be doing something else.  I even bought  some lovely new clover soft touch crochet hooks, I know I have every conceivable size  hook already but I really love these hooks.  They aren't the most beautiful but they are certainly the most comfortable I have ever used and I know that they will be with me forever so surely that must justify the cost, I keep looking at them picking them up stroking them and now I need to make a case to put them into, I'm off to look for crochet hook case inspiration, but I will finish what I am making first :)


  1. Hi Linda.. ah me too! Crochet can truly be addictive can't it? I am doing the One-a-Day project over on Ravelry, and it just wasn't I have 2 One-a-Day projects going! I haven't used Soft Touch Hooks yet... maybe a little shopping trip is due tomorrow... :)x

  2. lol you won't be disappointed Stocki, now what's this one-a-day project on Ravelry I'm off to have a look :)


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