Tuesday 13 May 2014

A Battle with the Hebe

 Many years ago I planted four very small cuttings in a bare piece of earth, just in front of my front door. Well they grew and they grew and this is what I'm met with as I leave the house.

I need to cut this bush back several times during the growing season because it grows so quickly.

 It had grown so large it was in danger of actually entering the house, my visitors have to fight to get past it, but because the weather has been so bad I haven't had the opportunity to cut it back.  

Today at last we had sunshine! so armed with my trusty clippers the battle began,

It stands over six foot tall so reaching those uppermost branches is a pain, ladders are a must, I'm sure all the neighbours must have a laugh at me perched on the top step, stretching forward trying to reach!

But I won in the end, the bush has been tamed

for now at least, now I'm off to mow the lawns.

What have you been up to today ?

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  1. Beautiful trimming job. Glad you made it up and down the ladder without incident. Be careful! My rosemary by the front door was exactly the same, growing fast and wildly trying to block the sidewalk to the door. It was badly damaged during this winter for the first time ever. We thought we had lost her, but we just cut her way back and she's getting green again. Whew! I love that Rosemary, even if she is kind of pushy!

  2. I love hebes but none of mine have been as rampant as yours. Today (and all this week) I am decorating a flat we own. It is going on the market on Saturday and daft hubby has just jetted off to Spain for a 3 day business meeting. Great timing. I am not impressed.

  3. What is this bush called? Glad you didn't end up inside this monster when you were pruning it! Wendy x

  4. Wow, that is a very large shrub and a very big job to keep it in trim! Hope that you enjoyed your time in the garden. xx

  5. I am so glad you won the battle over the bush.

  6. It's amazing how those small cuttings have grown, you must have very green fingers Linda. Your hebe certainly loves the spot it is planted in and well done on taming the beast, now visitors to your home can reach the door more easily.
    I have been busy working and sleeping, I hope to be able to blog properly on Friday with my latest finish off, it's all under wraps until then :-)

  7. Gosh, what a lot of work. It's grown beautiful and healthy, though, and nice work with the pruning!

  8. Dearest Linda,
    Had to google the shrub Hebe but could not find one that looked like this green one you show here... So what is its botanical name? It must be a happy shrub that grows vigorous. Is it evergreen?
    Hugs to you and glad you tackled the chore once more!

    PS you can reply right here on your blog as I will receive it in the mail! I did mark: Notify me... that works always best.

    1. Hi Mariette I think it's Hebe salicifolia and yes it's evergreen. :)

  9. Well done on a huge trimming job Linda - but please be careful up that ladder; I had visions of you landing in the middle of that bush and although it may have been a cushioned landing I do think you wouldn't have escaped unscathed! Our 'hebe' plants over here have a different leaf formation to that one so I've concluded that there must be variations around. Enjoy a wonderful week, love, Joy xo

  10. haha - I had a flag grass that was like that - crazy how sometimes we plant something with the idea of keeping it compact and cute and it just does what it wants...appreciate you sharing over here at Fishtail Cottage's Garden party this week! xoox, tracie


Thank you for your visit, I will always answer any questions but due to time constraints I'm not always able to reply to your comments, please keep them coming I read and appreciate each and every one. xx