Friday, 18 September 2020

Am I Missing Something.?

 I'm talking about the new blogger interface, it seems we have no choice now we have to use it whether we like it or not.  I thought that I had cracked it and got my last two posts published without much problem, however I'm finding each time is different I never know what to expect...

Posting pictures can be a pain because trying to centre them unless you post them as extra large images is virtually impossible in some cases but sometimes it works fine!

I'm finding the font is tiny when writing a post, I'm having to change it to medium just so that I can see it and then other times the font is huge but it's not consistent throughout the post, but other times I have no problem!

Comments... now this is the biggest issue for me and I'm wondering if there is something I'm missing here.  After my last post I went to the comments section and above the comments which had previously been published there were two comments which needed moderation all good so far I published those and then that was it, the days went on and I had no new comments. Now you all know how much we love receiving comments and I was a little sad because I had only received two.  I decided to revert back to the legacy blogger and I clicked on the comments needing moderation and lo and behold there were ten comments waiting for moderation!

I was so happy to see those and published them right away but I was also worried because they hadn't appeared on the new blogger interface, am I missing something? There is no labelling anywhere for comment moderation, does this mean that I will have to turn it off just so that I can see your comments, I hope not because there is a lot of spam I would rather not see! But sometimes I can see the new comments without problem!

I notice that this morning there is no tab to revert back to the old blogger interface so it appears that we are stuck with this now, so if you find that you sent me a comment and it's not here on my blog it's because I just haven't found it.  Perhaps that explains why I sometimes don't see the comments which I have left on some of your blogs.. they just disappear!

Please keep the comments coming and let me know if any of you are having any problems with this new interface and let me know if you know the solution to my problems  Perhaps we can help each other because Google or blogger is no help 😐

Gosh that was a bit long winded, sorry but I had to get it off my chest but onto nicer things..

I mentioned the Twelve days of Christmas Sampler in my last post, I am happy to say that I  found that I had all the materials that I needed to make this languishing in my sewing stash.  I used to love doing cross stitch but had to stop because of my eyesight, that of course hasn't improved it's much worse truth be told but I have found that if I use this.. and please don't laugh ( I'm pleased that there's no one about when I use it haha) 

I can manage quite nicely for maybe an hour or so then I have to stop because my eyes are sore so it's going to take a while, shall I aim for Christmas 2021? I wonder if I can manage it because along with that there's the crochet and the decoupage and anything else that may take my fancy you know what I'm like 😂

Other News..

The Queen CAL has started today and I'm beside myself with excitement! I'm going to spend a lot of today trying to decide which version of the Queen to make.  I'm quite sad about having to put my hooked and locked blanket to one side there is still quite a lot of work to do on it and I'm loving the process but I'm thinking maybe I will work on that one too but honestly there's just not enough hours in the day.

I have actually got an appointment for a scan this Saturday remember this post the GP said the referral  would probably bounce back as they were just seeing emergencies so I was pleased and surprised to have got the appointment. 

Covid cases in my area are up so strict measures are in place from today, I had a few things planned over the next few days including a little get together for my daughters birthday but unfortunately everything will have to be cancelled 😞but better to be safe and it will mean more crochet time.😊

Have a safe weekend.😘

I will be linking with some of these great party's this week. 


  1. I've been reverting back to the legacy system so I haven't done anything on the new interface yet, but I have noticed that any new comments awaiting moderation are on the first comment screen, it's just been a case of clicking on the tick to publish them. I'm dreading having to write a post on the new system as most people seem to be having problems with it. I'm pleased that you're going to join in with the stitching, I'm hoping to get started on mine this weekend, though I doubt it will be done in time for this Christmas as I'm a very slow stitcher. I'm glad you've got an appointment for your scan. I've got a scan on Monday but I've just tried to book a follow up appointment for after the scan and I've been told that the waiting list is at least thirteen weeks. What's the point going for a scan when I won't get the results for months, they'll be out of date by then! So many places are getting tougher measures imposed again but as you say, better to be safe than sorry.

    1. Good luck with the new blogger Jo because it looks like we don't have a choice anymore, I'm happy that I saw these comments today I hope it continues. I never thought of the follow up appointment I bet I have the same problem as you! it's mad. x

  2. I’m reading lots of complaints on different Blogger blogs, can’t offer any advice as I gave up on Blogger many years ago. Hope this comment goes through.

    1. It did Linda thank you, I run the website for my U3A and they use wordpress but that has changed to the block editor I much preferred the classical so I'm having problems with that too, hopefully I'll get used to it. x

  3. Hi Linda, I'm afraid all your complaints on blogging are wasted on me as I haven't a clue about any of it! But I CAN comment of your gadget for helping you to do the cross stitch. I got one for my Mam but she didn't like it. Remember Wilma? She always used a big magnifying glass which hung around her neck and rested on her chest. She couldn't work without it and she did a helluva lot of cross stitch and embroidery! I'll be interested in seeing your Queen cal in due course. Babs xxx

    1. Hi Babs I'm so glad to see your comment! yes I remember Wilma I have a magnifying glass too but it keeps slipping, luckily I can manage with my gadget as long as I do it in secret I would hate to frighten anybody haha. xx

  4. Hi Linda, I hate how long it takes to upload a photo to the new blogger interface. Yes, I've noticed the same thing with the font size. I did a post that I was double checking and changing some things and then lost the whole post and had to do it over again! Very frustrating. Hopefully I wont' have any problems with the comments.
    Have a happy Friday and weekend Linda.

  5. I'm glad I'm not alone Julie perhaps things will get better as time goes on and they iron out all the glitches, I was happy to see your comment here today. Have a great weekend.x

  6. I continue to have problems with captions....after adding them they just do not appear!!! Linda I have sent you an email with possible guidelines that may be of interest to you. the problem with photos could be the size. I found that medium 59,50 kb works fine also best choose log on to your computer to upload image to post. It is quicker. Amanda x

    1. Thank you Amanda, I always use my laptop for blogging, I'll have a look at the guidelines an see if they can shed some light. x

  7. Hola,
    Yo he estado mucho tiempo parada por fuerza mayor, mi última entrada fue con el blogger antiguo, y hoy mi primera entrada me salió el nuevo, que susto!!!!! No encuentro nada, ni corrector gramatical tiene??? :O :O . De verdad me las he visto y deseado para hacer el post (que no ha quedado a mi gusto) pero viendo que en soporte cuando la gente se queja de lo que no va bien deseguida cierran el tema....imagino que tendremos que espabilar como podamos :((.
    Madre mía, eso es una lupa? :O, yo no puedo hacer punto de cruz si no es a plena luz del sol tampoco.

  8. It's not always easy on the new blogger is it.
    I often think about a former school teacher of mine whose favourite word was perseverance! It somehow fits with the new blogger.

    All the best Jan

    1. Yes Jan I agree but it seems like we have little choice anyway.x

  9. Same for me, Linda...not happy about the new interface....Evolution is good but choice is better ;)
    Any gadget to help is great !
    Have a lovely weekend !

  10. I too, find that each time I go into Blogger someting has changed yet again. I suppose it will all work out with time. As for the head gear, whatever works to cause the eyes to see what we are stitching. I smiled when I saw the photo of your fancy head gear. I am so glad you have an appointment with the doctor. How fabulous you have what is needed for your cross stitch and your Queen CAL does sound fun.

  11. I hope the new blogger settles down for you soon. I published my first post using the new format and so far everything seems to be fine, I hope it continues to be so.
    The one slight issue I had was with photographs. I used to be able to highlight each photograph on my google cloud in the order I wanted them to appear, but it now displays them in order new to old, so I need to upload them one at a time. X

  12. Hi Linda, I like the look of that magnifier, where do I get one? I'm working with my reading glasses and a magnifier at the moment on my tiny crochet, one like that would be great even if I do look a ninny, lol

    1. Hi Briony I got it at Amazon in 2017! I didn't realise it was that long ago, it has different sizes of lenses you can put in, it's a bit temperamental but I couldn't embroider without it. This is the link there are more expensive versions which may be better but this works for me...


Thank you for your visit, I will always answer any questions but due to time constraints I'm not always able to reply to your comments, please keep them coming I read and appreciate each and every one. xx