I'm not one for making fiddly things but some of those fiddly things are so cute sometimes I really can't help myself.
As I have mentioned before I run a crochet group for the u3a and as such I have a display board at the u3a's monthly meetings. I try to make the board look attractive to encourage people to join the group, I usually have a garland pegged to the top of the board which is mostly seasonal like the one below which I showed you last year in this post
This time I went a step further, along with the leaf garland I decided to inject a little bit of Halloween fun into the proceedings and this is where cute came in.
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The pumpkins are so easy to make and to be honest I had to stop myself from making more, but I do have other things on my hook so I reluctantly dragged myself away from the creating of pumpkins and moved on to the mice, I have been wanting to make some little mice for a long time just because I think they are so darn cute and this seemed like the perfect time.
Amigurumi is amazing but so fiddly, making the bodies is easy enough but it's the sewing on of ears and other appendages that gets me, and so for the pink mouse rather than crochet the ear and sew it on I surface crocheted them straight onto the mouse, so much easier and they look ok I think.
I had to have a hedgehog to complete the display, I'm still looking for a more realistic looking hedgehog pattern maybe I'll try and design one myself but this one had to do and I think he looks cute enough.
This small display caused quite a bit of laughter at the meeting last Wednesday especially when I told the Chairperson that we had an infestation of mice in the Town hall she looked horrified and said, have you reported it! then when she saw the display she just burst out laughing and announced it when she was addressing the members, it's amazing what a bit of crochet can do to raise the spirits and bring a bit of fun the the proceedings.
I found the mouse pattern in this book here but ended up doing it my own way anyway, here are some cute mouse patterns if you fancy hooking up a few.
There are lots of great pumpkin free patterns, I used this one by Planet June and adapted the size by using different weights of yarn and hook sizes. More patterns below.
Autumn Pumpkin Pattern by Bella Coco
Medium Crochet Pumpkin Pattern by crochet 365
Crochet Pumpkin Pattern by Petals to Picots
The hedgehog pattern I made is like this one here Easy Crochet Hedgehog by the Whoot but I have since found one I like better and am going to make more using this pattern The Hedgehog Hedda by Yarnhild
Unfortunately a few days after my last Crochet group session two of the members who had attended the meeting came down with Covid, there had been ten of us in a room much smaller than I would have liked but the large room where it is usually held was not available. I had to get in touch with everyone concerned and ask them to do a lateral flow test and to watch out for symptoms, luckily now 14 days later we are all fine thank goodness.
The two ladies in question had attended a birthday party and they think that that's where they caught it. They have been quite poorly despite having two doses of the vaccine, they had just received their boosters but obviously the effects of those hadn't kicked in, on the bright side they will be both super charged with antibodies and thankfully they are both on the mend.
Thank you for the lovely comments about little Mikey's solar system outfit, he is getting lots of use out of it apparently he has already attended two Halloween Parties and my daughter in law has organised a neighbourhood Halloween trail so he will be wearing it again this weekend.
If you are celebrating Have a Great Halloween. 😊😘😘