Wednesday 28 August 2013

Stash-Buster Challenge Update and a Big Welcome!

I have been contacted by Saga magazine to tell me that they have printed a round up of the best 50 bloggers aged over 50 for their September issue, and mine is one of the 50! wow how about that then. I feel very honoured to have been chosen especially as there are so many brilliant blogs out there. Only two of us have been mentioned in the Arts and Crafts section myself and Una of great balls of wool you can see the actual article here for a limited time only.
So if you are a reader of the magazine and are visiting my blog for the first time I would like to say hello and welcome and I hope that you enjoy your visit. You can find a list of more fantastic crafty blogs in my right hand side bar. Please take a look around and I would love to hear what you think. 

Stash-Buster Challenge Update

It's the end of the month again and nearly the end of the summer :( I am quite sad because it's been such a lovely one for once.  I'm hoping that the warm weather stays with us for a few more weeks at least.
So how has everyone been doing with their stash-busting? I would say really great! just take a look at the Summer link Party and you can see for yourself all the lovely things that everyone has been making.
I would like to welcome all the new stash-busters who have joined us during the summer, you can find their names listed here and their bogs featured on the right side bar.
If you would like to join us stash-busters just leave Ana or myself a comment.

Now as promised here are your favourite June projects.

Estella's Baby Cardigan
Regula's finger knitted scarf
Eileen's granny Patches Blanket Update
Judy's Mandala's
Ana's dream stripe shawl
The Summer Link Party will be closing on Saturday evening so hurry and get those last minute Summer stash-buster projects linked up and don't forget to keep clicking on those beautiful projects, visit your friends and leave some nice comments.  I will be showing your favourites next month.

Watch out for the new September Link Party it will be up and running very soon. 

If you are counting please leave me your totals so that I can update them for you.

My totals for August = 710 grams.


  1. Congratulations Linda! That's really great. :)

  2. Congrats on being chosen to be featured that is so awesome!
    Will be back next month with my stash totals as my WIP not quite completed yet :)
    Marigolds' Loft

  3. Hello Linda,

    Congratulation on your honor. Very neat indeed. YOU do have a wonderful blog and we all appreciate everything you do with the Stash Buster..

    WOW what a surprise to see the photo of Mandala's above. This is a first for me and I am very humbled as a beginner that others would be interested in them.

    I am happy to be back after my long break sooooooo you all will be seeing my Summer crochet projects soon. Hugs Judy

  4. Well done on the Saga fame Linda!
    I've got a bit behind with my stash busting, but I'm sure I'll catch up as the nights get longer.

  5. Congratulations on your recognition :-) You deserve it for having such a wonderful blog.
    Still stashbusting, just haven't figured out how to add it to the link party. Hopefully I'll get the hang of it by next month!
    Blessings :-)

  6. Such an honor, Linda. Congrats! I can´t believe we are about to finish another month already...

  7. Congrats Linda! What a honor for you to receive notice you will be featured in the book! I've so wanted to join in on all this stash buster stuff, but I can't seem to get anything together fast enough these days. I will try for September!
    Hugs, Shari

  8. Hi Mrs Linda!....nice ti to hear that you are also making some lil' beanies....they are coming out so cute.....lots of colors to choose.have a great weekend.:)

  9. Congrats Linda! Well deserved!

    I have been out of town, but while I was away I did a little stash-busting with the Tilda yarn on the plane rides...I hope to try to post them by Saturday, but I don't know. I will make an extra effort... :-)

  10. Congratulations Linda! So wonderful and I do agree with them...your blogs is wonderful and I love your projects and ideas :)

  11. Great welcome. It will be interesting to check our visitor stats in a few days.

  12. Congratulations Linda, I can see why you was chosen though.
    Your blog is set out lovely and your posts are always enjoyable to read, they always make me smile :)

    Sally xxx

  13. Well done for being chosen, your blog is lovely and inspirational - you deserve it xxx

  14. Congratulations Linda - your Saga recognition is so well deserved!
    Keep up the great creating and inspiring!
    Ali x

  15. Fantastic to hear this Linda and very pleased for you. Congratulations. I read the article and was very interested to hear about the 92 year old Spanish lady. I also remember reading the school girls blog criticizing school lunches.Just goes to show there are some fab bloggers out there and obviously Saga consider you are one of them!!!

    keep well

    Amanda :-)

  16. Congratulations Linda! Your blog is very inspiring indeed!
    And thank you for showing my improvised baby cardigan.
    I also feel honored ;-)


  17. Oh Linda - at last your true worth is being recognised by the world at large! (We, of course, have known about it all along.) :)

    Thanks for all your great links and Monday funnies. Now I'm off to look at Regula's scarf which I somehow missed.


Thank you for your visit, I will always answer any questions but due to time constraints I'm not always able to reply to your comments, please keep them coming I read and appreciate each and every one. xx