The Insomnia
I'm sure that I've mentioned many times that I am a very poor sleeper, for me a good nights sleep is falling asleep almost immediately waking just once through the night to go to the loo, then falling straight back to sleep again and waking around 6 30am. I never sleep through the night, that would be amazing.
More often than not the above is not the case, this past week I have slept on average just 3 - 4 hours a night, in fact one night I didn't sleep at all! I know I'm not alone there are many of you like me, but it makes you wonder why it happens, why can't we sleep?
There is a vast amount of help available online and believe you me I have tried everything there is to be tried. It's like the sleep switch just doesn't work, I can be tired and yawning when I go to bed and then the next minute be wide awake.
For the record.
I exercise every day.
I go to bed every night at the same time.
I don't look at computer screens, or any other screens for at least an hour before bedtime.
My last meal is always a light one and is eaten a good four hours before bedtime.
My bedroom is an oasis of calm, no screens, no clutter, just a comfortable bed, drawers and wardrobes, there is no light pollution and it's at a perfect temperature.
My last caffeine intake is 3pm.
I listen to calming music in the evenings and have tried meditation.
I eat foods that are rich in magnesium which helps promote sleep you can see them here I have also drank herbal teas.
I have tried sleeping tablets very briefly in the past, if I take one now it doesn't work, I just feel hung over and groggy the next day. Sleeping pills are not the answer, so what is? is there an answer or do we just have to accept it and deal with it the best we can.
How I'm Coping
If I lie awake for more than two hours, I will read for half an hour put my book down and then try again, if after another two hours I still haven't slept I will do something else for half an hour and then try again and so it goes on throughout the night, at least this way I feel my time isn't totally wasted like it when I am lying there tossing and turning all night.
Son number three has recommended I try I have nothing to loose so I'm giving it a try, the first week is keeping a sleep diary, I'll let you know how I get on.
Let me know if you have sleep problems and how you cope with them, we may learn something from each other.
Since writing this I have come across this website which gives out lots of useful information
Everything You Need To Know About Insomnia
A Walk
This week, my friend Baz, yes the one who got me lost in Hawthorne Dene 😂 suggested a walk nearer to home, in fact it's a walk he takes a couple of times a week, it's just a short one Linda he says, about three miles. Seaham is Baz's home town so he knows all the nooks and crannies and hidden pathways. The walk he suggested took us through a Park in Dalton-Le-Dale

This lovely old tree looked so pretty I was surprised to see it covered in cherry blossom already.
I painted the bunny stone to cheer up son number three as he was quite ill in bed suffering from the side effects of his second vaccine, of course I could only send him a picture, he can have it when I see him again, I have no idea when that will be but I'm hoping to visit him in Qatar later in the year, fingers crossed. 🤞 The side effects only lasted a couple of days and he's fine now.😊
The crocheting and sewing is going on quite frantically in the background as I have to finish this for Daughter in law one for her birthday at the beginning of next month..
and this before the end of the month..
so that's what I will be doing this weekend, what will you be up to? whatever it is I hope that you have a good one.
Take Care 😘😘