Friday 3 January 2014

Knit a Block a Week up and running!

Welcome to everyone who is taking part in the Knit A Block A Week Challenge, I was overwhelmed by the great response and I know some of you couldn't wait for the official start date and have begun already.

I intend to make at least one block out of this book a week, I will be blogging about the block/blocks I make every Friday in a Block A Week Friday post, those of you who have a blog are invited to do the same but it's up to you. 

We would all like to know your impressions about the blocks you make, please rate their difficulty factor so that others in the challenge can decide whether or not they would like to try them too.

The aim of the challenge is to make as many different blocks out of the book as we can, that means that we could make 128 different blocks altogether as although the book says 200 blocks the last ones in the book are just repeated in different colour-ways.

You can make the blocks in any order that you like.

Keeping Count
Remember to keep a count of which blocks you have made and your totals.  I can do that for you if you wish just let me know.

What will you do with your Blocks?
That of course is entirely up to you and all suggestions are welcome along the way, I will be listing suggestions and also a number of places that would be pleased to receive your blocks for various charities at the bottom of this post and adding to it as we go along.

I intend to make a sampler blanket using random patterned blocks alternating with a plain one and the first two I will be making are Block 41 and 45, I will be showing you those next week, you are welcome to follow along with me if you wish.

Knit A Block Link Up
Watch out for the on going  Link Party where you will be able to link your blocks as you make them, you can also link up any projects you make with the blocks or creations you have made from a block pattern.
Anyone who is part of the challenge can link up even if you don't have a blog just click on the new Add Link method.

This is an on going challenge and anyone is welcome to join in at any time.

If anyone has any questions please just leave them in a comment below.
You can find an introduction to the challenge and a list of those taking part here

Have fun creating :)

Where to send your squares.

The great Syria knitting appeal
C/O Hand in Hand for Syria
Big yellow self storage
20 Lenton lane 

Loving Hands
One of the Loving Hands groups is collecting six inch squares to be sewn and made into blankets for numerous hospices in England and Wales. I can supply an address via email to anyone who is interested.

Carol Walker
We need 6 inch squares, that can be sewn together to make blankets for Hungary, Poland, Serbia and Romania.  Each blanket takes 80 squares. Any pattern can be used, but preferably using double knitting yarn.
To be sent to 
Carol Walker
"Squares for Sighisoara"
c/o Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service
St Michaels Street
SY 1 2HJ

Make a Blanket for SIBOL
Read all about it here
SIBOL on Ravelry here

Make a shawl for SIBOL
Read about it here

Project Lintus
Accepts finished blankets that are washable to distribute to ill or traumatized children aged 0 - 18  
for more information you can find the US site here and the Canadian site here
Thank you Wendy

Make Squares For Macmillan
One of the Macmillan groups are asking for 6 inch squares, read about it here

Make Squares for Freedom From Fistula
Read all about this worthy cause and find the address to send your squares here

I will be adding more as I get them, all suggestions welcome.


  1. I won't be joining you in your Knitting Blocks, but I will definitely be following you on your journey, good luck :)
    Sally xxx

  2. Hi Lyndy wooohooo up and running thank you so much for your time in organising this I think it will be just as much fun as the Stashbusting xxx

  3. Im also thinking of making an actual blanket for SIBOL as they are no longer taking squares but actual blankets so that might also be a suggestion - have never made an actual blanket so this will be a first! they require a blanket made up of 25x 6" squares plus a border - im stretching my knitting confidence here! xxx

    1. Brilliant idea Jaqueline I will add that to my post. :)

    2. Jacqueline you will be brilliant x

  4. Like Jaqueline, my squares will eventually become a blanket for SIBOL. I'll aim for 2 blankets in 2014. I've already found some new blogs to follow on the list of those taking part. Great!

  5. oooh, just wondering, would you like us to add a challenge badge to our blogs? If so, which one....the link up or the other one?

    1. That would be great Una then more people will get to know about the challenge and may want to join in, especially if you blog about it too. Use the challenge badge now and add the link one once it's up and running, thanks! xx

  6. I can't knit so I won't be participating in this one, but good luck to everyone who is! I look forward to seeing everyone's work.
    Blessings :-)

    1. Thank you Kate and if you decide you would like to learn this challenge is a good way to start. :)

  7. This is so exciting Linda! I can't wait to jump right on in!!

    1. Go for it Shari, I can't wait to see your blocks. :)

  8. Hello, I just wanted to thank you for your posts which I have been following for a few months with enthusiasm! I have used some of your patterns and signed up with Loving Hands which I first saw through you. I am now making a pile of baby hats and maybe some of the fingerless gloves I made from your pattern before xmas. I made several for gifts and they made everyone happy (and were so very simple to make) . They should be stashbusting but of course I fell foul to the delights of offers yesterday. Anyway sincere thanks for the pleasure you bring. Abbi

    1. Thank you Abbi i'm so pleased you are enjoying my blog and that you have joined Loving Hands, I hope that you will keep visiting, it's lovely to hear from you. :)

  9. Good Luck to you all x

  10. I will be looking forward to seeing your knit squares every week. The only squares I have made with knitting needles is in garter st. It will be exciting to see other versions...

    1. Thank you Ana, I wish you could join us. xx

  11. Glad to hear the challenge has begun! I have my book & yarn ready. Just wanted to mention there is a group, Project Linus, in the States at and also a branch of the same in Canada at
    Project Linus accepts finished blankets that are washable to distribute to ill or traumatized children aged 0 - 18. The US site has more info than the Canadian site, but there are chapters all over that accept the blankets. Hope this helps.

    I'm looking forward to next Friday to see what everyone creates :) Happy New Year Linda! Wendy x

    1. Thank you for the info Wendy I will add it to the post now. :)

  12. I'm joining up with this challenge as well as the stash busting one. I'm a very basic knitter, so this is really going to be testing my skills.

    1. That's great welcome to the challenge Shelly, I will be grading the blocks as I go so you will know which are the easiest to do. :)

  13. Linda, Lou has just put an appeal for squares from the Freedom From Fistula charity in the LH General Chat forum.

  14. Thank you Una, I'm on to it. :)


Thank you for your visit, I will always answer any questions but due to time constraints I'm not always able to reply to your comments, please keep them coming I read and appreciate each and every one. xx