Friday 22 August 2014

Block a Week Friday

Block 90 

This block is made with an eight row pattern repeat, which means you really need to concentrate, that is until the penny drops, it usually takes me right to the last pattern repeat before I can say I've got it, the good news is I didn't need to pull it back once.
I like the finished result but I wouldn't have the patience to use this pattern on a large project.

Rating - intermediate
Curl - 2
size - 6"x 6"
ends - 2

More examples of this block....

made by Triccia
made by appledumpling

Progress -  number of different blocks made = 34
Numbers - 181417, 19,24, 26 30,31,34,36 4041, 42,43,44, 45,48, 5256,58,6267,70,90,92,96 98,100113,133,153200209
(Click on the number to see the block.)

Linking with

All the blocks in the Block a Week Friday feature are blocks made from the book 200 Knitted Blocks by Jan Eaton. You can read all about the challenge here and here, the challenge is on going and it's never too late to join in!

Have a great weekend! 

 photo e69a549e-0e33-465a-b88b-a6ebe916eaaa_zps34480328.jpg


  1. WOW, I just have to say WOW because that is one of those patterns that I would have to have absolute quiet to do. I have always shied away from anything remotely complicated, and it gets worse as I grow older. Then I see the "Block a Week Friday" and think that wouldn't be so demanding. Just think, after a year you would have 52 blocks. This would be a great stash buster. Thanks for sharing the block links. have a good weekend.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

  2. It looks lovely. How many do you still have to go now Linda? Have you started joining them together yet, or are you going to wait until you have all the squares done? xx

  3. This is my favorite block so far Linda, I love the way it looks.

  4. Pretty. That would be such a nice baby blanket, I think.

  5. Sometimes I think I should attempt harder patterns, but honestly, crochet and knitting should be fun, I don't want to test my patience or stress myself out. I sometimes have a hard time deciphering even simple patterns so that's more than enough stress for me. Ha! :) Best wishes, Tammy

  6. Wow, lots of texture there! What a fun block. I have to admit I prefer the more brainless stitch patterns for myself.... :)


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