Friday 29 August 2014

Block a Week Friday

Block 165
Four Square

I enjoyed knitting this one, making the four little square's was fun, by decreasing in the centre you form a mitered square it's amazing how a a flat piece of work turns into a square if you would like to try it, there is a video how to here 

I did think the sewing up would be a headache but it wasn't really and even though I sewed them the wrong way I still like the finished result. I think a blanket made up of little squares would look lovely, a great way to use up all your little bits of yarn.

Rating - easy
Curl - 0
size - 6"x 6"
ends - 8

An even better example of this block

Made by Triccia
Tricia has sewn them correctly and it makes a much neater finish. :)

Progress -  number of different blocks made = 35
Numbers - 181417, 19,24, 26 30,31,34,36 4041, 42,43,44, 45,48, 5256,58,6267,70,90,92,96 98,100113,133,153,165, 200209
(Click on the number to see the block.)

Linking with

Hope you all have a great weekend. :)

 photo e69a549e-0e33-465a-b88b-a6ebe916eaaa_zps34480328.jpg


  1. Very nice!!!
    Happy weekend.:*

  2. All your blocks are awesome, but I especially like this one. Great color combos on both!

  3. This is so funny, I was looking at some mitred squares on another blog today! I wonder if it is international mitred squares day!! xx

  4. I think this would make a lovely baby blanket and use up lots of my yarn'y bits and pieces. Food for thought!
    Have a great weekend!
    Jacqui x

  5. Another great way to use up bits and pieces of yarn. I think the only way to go would be to sew them together as you make them. I would dread having that job ahead of me if I did all the knitting first. Thanks for sharing. Love what you did.
    (((HUGS))) Susanne :)

  6. This is one great looking square, Linda :-) I have seen in Instagram a few blankets make with these mitred squares, and they look great.

  7. Also a very pretty square, great for playing with colors!


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