This past week has gone so fast I didn't even realise it was Friday until it was nearly on top of me. My whole week has been taken up with decorating and now I remember why I don't do it very often..
I hate having to move all the furniture and cover everything with sheets including the carpet but you can bet there's a tiny bit you miss and that's the very place that will be splashed with paint.
Does anyone really enjoy painting ceilings! they must be the worst thing to do ever, after two coats of paint a crick in the neck and aching shoulders you tentatively take the courage to look up and see if there any blotchy bits you have missed and yes! there are, my ceilings are artext in the worst possible way trying to get the brush into the swirls and blobs is almost impossible, but they are done! just please don't look up and inspect I'm certainly not going to.
Running out of paint! there you are in your paint splashed gear when you realise you haven't quite got enough for those missed bits so you have to peel off the painting gear wash the paint off your arms, hands and face luckily the hair was ok I wore a shower cap then nip to the shop for another tin of paint and while I'm on the subject isn't paint so expensive!
Having to use masking tape to do the dado rails and skirting boards, you take the patience to go round and apply it to all necessary area's then when you are done and come to take it off it takes half of the paper or paint off with it and you then have to touch up the bit that was covered with tape being careful not to touch newly painted skirting boards.
Realising that the room you have painted shows up the rest of the house and really now that you have started you might as well go on and paint the blinkin hall stairs and landing!
Do you love it or hate it and what are your pet peeves about decorating?
Now rushing off to work already 5 minutes late ahhh!
Have a great weekend!
Joining in with Amy's Five on Friday.

I hate having to move all the furniture and cover everything with sheets including the carpet but you can bet there's a tiny bit you miss and that's the very place that will be splashed with paint.
Does anyone really enjoy painting ceilings! they must be the worst thing to do ever, after two coats of paint a crick in the neck and aching shoulders you tentatively take the courage to look up and see if there any blotchy bits you have missed and yes! there are, my ceilings are artext in the worst possible way trying to get the brush into the swirls and blobs is almost impossible, but they are done! just please don't look up and inspect I'm certainly not going to.
Running out of paint! there you are in your paint splashed gear when you realise you haven't quite got enough for those missed bits so you have to peel off the painting gear wash the paint off your arms, hands and face luckily the hair was ok I wore a shower cap then nip to the shop for another tin of paint and while I'm on the subject isn't paint so expensive!
Having to use masking tape to do the dado rails and skirting boards, you take the patience to go round and apply it to all necessary area's then when you are done and come to take it off it takes half of the paper or paint off with it and you then have to touch up the bit that was covered with tape being careful not to touch newly painted skirting boards.
Realising that the room you have painted shows up the rest of the house and really now that you have started you might as well go on and paint the blinkin hall stairs and landing!
Do you love it or hate it and what are your pet peeves about decorating?
Now rushing off to work already 5 minutes late ahhh!
Have a great weekend!
Joining in with Amy's Five on Friday.
I am not a fan of decorating but love the feeling of satisfaction when it is completed, so it is worth the effort. Take care.
ReplyDeleteMy symphaties to you! Re-decorating is a tough job. We painted -only- the walls of the livingroom before Christmas. It took a whole week! The downstairs library is still waiting... I wonder when I'll get the energy to start with that! And there's the ceiling, too!!!!
ReplyDeletePainting ceilings is just the worse thing!
I completely agree. I really need to do at least one room this year but the one that needs it most is the worst to do. (Artex ceilings. I'm with you on that one!)
ReplyDeleteWell done for finishing though - and I promise not to point out the bit you missed. :)
Yep I agree with all five points, we decorated our lounge a couple of weeks ago, we run out of paint, hubbie did ceiling and hated it, and yes masking tape takes it off and it drives me crazy. Now we have the dining room and hallway to do!xxx
ReplyDeleteHave a lazy weekend !
Decorating always seems like a good idea at the time - until you actually start. At least you've got it done now. Enjoy a relaxing weekend.
ReplyDeleteBoy Linda what a lot of work painting a room. When I was little my dad used to make me and my brothers and sisters paint our rooms in our house and boy is it work! I do hope you have a wonderful weekend and try to rest up a little. Take care.
Hate hate hate decorating! There are some rooms in our house that really need to be tackled but cannot face the chaos and hassle. A lot of our walls have yucky wallpaper and trying to strip that off and paint is not something I am looking forward to. Think I might save up and get someone in to do it professionally. xx
ReplyDeleteI love decorating, but of course the best part is when it's all done, especially the painting. just paint makes such a difference in a room. It sounds like you're on the home stretch so there's light at the end of the tunnel...or paint store.
ReplyDeleteYou make me laugh! It is always the way, you fix one thing and wham everything else needs to be spruced up too. I had my lights fixed in my bathroom and found out with the better lighting I had to clean all my tile and grout. Not fun!
Use to love to paint, but not so much any more. Have a gallon of paint waiting for me to paint the laundry room right now. For the most part people don't paint their ceilings here, just leave them white.
ReplyDeleteWhile you're at work, get someone to give your poor shoulders and neck a little massage ;) The trick with the painter's tape is that you MUST take it off as soon as you are finished painting that area. If the paint is allowed to dry over the tape, it begins to cure and that's why it's peeling off the paint when you rip it off. Sometimes I will go back and peel off the tape even before I have finished the entire room to save this from happening. I learned the hard way, and then I read that tip somewhere. I agree that paint is SO expensive! But all in all a still relatively inexpensive way to add the biggest change to a room. It sounds like it's all going relatively well though Linda! I'm sure the people at the paint store have seen more people covered in splattered paint than you think ... you did remember to take the shower cap off though, didn't you?! Good luck with the rest of it :)
It hurts my neck just thinking of painting a ceiling! I know what you mean about freshening up one space and then seeing all the other spaces that could use it, too. Hope you have a lovely weekend.
ReplyDeleteI don't mind painting walls, but painting ceilings is so difficult - I get cricks in my neck! Decorating is fun, but can be time-consuming AND expensive.
ReplyDeleteCeilings are my pet hate as well. Oh, the joys of paint dripping down my arms! I'm still painting skirting boards here and want to finish before gardening season begins. I always say it is either gardening or decorating. I can't do both.
ReplyDeleteI make so much mess when I'm painting - the only things I'm allowed to paint, is my garden fence!
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on all those things. The worst is not having enough paint and having to fetch more, so irritating and expensive too. We have one artex ceiling and I dislike it so much:)
ReplyDeleteSounds an absolute nightmare! I have a roller on a stick which works well as long as you cover everything up! :-)
ReplyDeleteI have never painted walls, we always hired people to do. But I have painted doors. I cannot imagine myself in all that hard work that you are doing and then going to work too. Great job!!
ReplyDeleteI always ended up with more paint on me than the ceiling but I can no longer manage it now. A lovely decorating duo do the honours and I stick to painting the odd piece of furniture. Have a restful weekend.
ReplyDeleteI'm so envious. You've finished and I haven't started. I have a stain on my ceiling where the roof was leaking around a vent pipe. The leak is fixed and now it's my turn to paint. Fortunately, it's the breakfast room and kitchen, so not much to move. I've hired this same ceiling painted twice by professionals and they never did get it right. Now I'm going to do it myself. Later. When it's warmer. After I plant the garden. And clean the carpets. And when I run out of excuses.