Sunday 14 February 2016

Stash-Buster Link Party Three

Welcome to the third Stash link party of 2016, thank you for linking all your lovely stash-busting makes to stash-buster party two! there were a record number of link ups this time so thank you so much for joining in.  

Can I please remind you to click on at least two links, leave each other some nice comments and grab some idea's and inspiration into the bargain. 

These were your favourites...

Knit Poncho Made By Ana a great Stash-buster!
Crochet Flowers on canvas by Ninu
A Scarf made by Terrra
Crochet Doily made by Preeti with free pattern link.
Congratulations ladies and thank you for linking :) 

Now it's time to Party! remember all crafts are included not just your yarny makes.

                                             Stash-Buster Link Party 3

  • Please grab the stash-buster link party button
  • All crafts are welcome either complete or works in progress.
  • Link the picture from your actual post and not your blog address.
  • Be polite and click on at least 2 links and leave some nice comments
  • Please mention the link party in your post or display the party button in your sidebar if you want to be featured.

Any LH pictures are projects made by ladies who are members of Loving Hands, clicking on the picture will show you an enlarged version, if you would like any information about any of the projects shown please just ask in the comments section. 

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  1. I'm taking a very serious look at my stash and I'm going to take action. Your stash busting party will be a good incentive. So hopefully I'll have somethings to share this week.

  2. Oh Thanks a lot fellow bloggers ! you are awesome! Thanks Linda for this oppurtunity!

  3. Thanks for the feature , Linda!! And thank you for hosting the party :)

  4. Thank you so much Linda, I had used the stash quite a bit lately, but to be honest I have added to it too!

  5. Hey dear, I am really thankful to you for sharing these outfit ideas here!! Even I really loved that patterned and knitwear poncho. Do you think it will be a nice idea for me to wear it for my party at venues in Los Angeles?


Thank you for your visit, I will always answer any questions but due to time constraints I'm not always able to reply to your comments, please keep them coming I read and appreciate each and every one. xx