Sunday, 16 October 2022

Jennies Throw

 I did it thank goodness got it finished in just the nick of time, it's her birthday today so I'm going to pop along to her home later today and drop it off. I put the last stitches into the double border yesterday evening, so it was touch and go whether or not I would finish it in time. I do hope that she will like it.

This size of this blanket measures 120cm 90cms the perfect size to snuggle under on a cold winters evening.

I've combined two of Rosina Plane patterns Letitia's Garden and Flora's Fauna and it's taken me just over two weeks to finish it.  The blanket consists of two types of  mosaic, overlay and inset, once they are crocheted you can't really tell the difference on the front of the blanket but you can on the back.

I much prefer the overlay type of mosaic, I find it much easier and I prefer the look of the back of the blanket too. The inset is fine if the design in small and repetitive but it's more challenging when the design becomes larger and more complicated. 


On the sewing front Part three of Festive Forrest is done, the Christmas trees. 

I'm still enjoying this but I did feel a bit pressured last week  because I really needed to finish Jennies throw, now that is done I can relax into this and the Stitch a leaf a day below. Part four is the critters and that will finish off the panel.

Stitch A leaf A Day This October

I am finding this more challenging than I though I would, I have tried several stitches but trying to get them to look ok inside a tiny leaf is more difficult than I thought this is where I am now....

  1. Leaf Stitch
  2. Lazy Daisy
  3. Fishbone
  4. Fly Stitch
  5. Closed Cretan Stitch
  6. Trellis Stitch
  7. Button Hole stitch
  8. Rhodes Stitch
  9. Chain Stitch
  10. Herringbone Stitch
  11. Net Stitch
  12. Satin Stitch
  13. Vandyke Stitch
  14. Running Split Stitch
I'm a couple of days behind and I'm going to enjoy sewing those today, type of stitches yet to be decided.

I'm pleased to report that my bathroom is almost done there's just a few little finishing touches left to do, I will be putting up a post just about that soon, more for myself really to look back on. I have tried my new bath and shower and it was heavenly, you don't realise how much the little things like taking a shower or a bath mean to you until they are taken away, two weeks of washing at the kitchen sink and sticking my head under the tap to wash my hair was no fun I can tell you haha.

My kitchen is arriving next Wednesday and I'm hoping that it will be quicker and less intrusive than the bathroom makeover has been but I have a feeling that that's just wishful thinking.

Today I'm going to start the process of clearing out kitchen cupboards, where I'm going to put the stuff I haven't quite decided ðŸ¤” Lots of things to think about today.

What will you be up too whatever it is I hope that you all have a great Sunday 😊

Linking with Kathy's Slow Stitching Sunday

Click here to see the great parties I will be linking to.


  1. The throw is beautiful, I'm sure it will be well received, it's the perfect gift for this time of year when the weather's turning cold. You're doing well with your other projects too, it's hard to keep going on a number of things when one is taking up your attention as there's a deadline. I'm pleased to hear that your bathroom is now nearly finished, you're a glutton for punishment though having two big jobs done in succession, though perhaps it will be good to get them both out of the way at once. I hope the kitchen renovation goes smoothly.

  2. All I can say is that you crochet very quickly. That blanket is so very pretty. Festive Forest is looking prettier with each update. I love the variety of stitches and colors in your Leaf a Day project. I went through a major house renovation 20 years ago. I totally understand the missing the bathroom. Best wishes for a quick kitchen redo. Enjoy your stitching.

  3. I bet Jeannie loved her beautiful blanket, Linda. Your leaf a day project is very pretty, great way for learning new embroidery stitches. Have a wonderful week.

  4. I love the blanket.Way too complicated for me.I am sure it will be well received.

  5. The blanket is lovely. I'm familiar with mosaic knitting, but the crochet is new to me - impressive! Good luck with your kitchen redo.

  6. I feel your pain with the renovations. We are having our kitchen, dining room and two bathrooms done right now. We are at the low point…drywall dust! Everything is supposed to be done by the end of November. We still have access to the tub in one bathroom for a shower, thankfully. Lovely blanket, sure to be appreciated on colder days! Your leaf project is expanding your stitching horizons! Looking great! Gail at the cozy quilter

  7. The finished afghan is wonderful and I'm sure will be loved by the birthday girl. I'm finding the same thing with getting the stitches to fit the leaf sizes. I've been using some of the stitches I like more than once, and in different colours. I even tried using single strands of floss (3 different colours together) and rather like how they are turning out. The Stitchdoodles work is coming along nicely. You are busy with renovations, imagine they are looking great.

  8. She will like it, I'm sure ! The blanket is beautiful !!!!
    As your embroidery !
    Have a nice week !

  9. The blanket is beautiful, such a lot of work, and I'm sure Jennie will love what you have made just for her. I don't know how to crotchet but certainly do admire your skills. Your Festive Forest embroidery is looking so nice too.

  10. I love the blanket and the embroidery Linda. Good luck with your kitchen rennovation.

  11. So pleased to that your bathroom is almost done.
    Hope the kitchen goes well ...

    I'm sure Jeannie loved the blanket; it looks beautiful.

    Have a good new week.

    All the best Jan

  12. The throw is gorgeous. Hope the kitchen makeover isn't too intrusive. Your stitching is beautiful!

  13. You have such beautiful projects, full of colour.

  14. Goodness it’s all go at your house. Your blanket is gorgeous! And those stitching projects are beautiful. I like your header photo, I was wondering where it was taken? Sarah quilting by the sea

  15. The throw is wonderful! I'm sure that Jeannie will love it, it will make her day.

  16. Glad to hear the bathroom is almost done and you can enjoy a relaxing bath again. Bliss :-)
    I do hope the kitchen project goes well too.
    Your stitching is so pretty and now you can relax and enjoy the project. The throw is lovely and will be a wonderful gift for one lucky lady.

  17. The blanket is gorgeous, Jennie is sure to love it.
    And your leaf embroidery is progressing beautifully. Xx

  18. Congratulations on finishing your's beautiful!
    And those leaves... oh my goodness what a lovely stitch sampler!
    Thanks for linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching!

  19. The blanket is fantastic, I love it, and I love your little embroidered leaves, the colours are perfect for autumn :)

  20. That throw blanket is beautiful. It seems you crocheted it in record time, but I've been a bit out of commission and not keeping up with my favorite bloggers for a few weeks, so maybe I'm just in my own little time warp. It is a wonderful gift!

  21. Wow it took you just over 2 weeks, did you crochet 24/7? It too me 6 months to complete Letitia's Garden! Well done I like your work.


Thank you for your visit, I will always answer any questions but due to time constraints I'm not always able to reply to your comments, please keep them coming I read and appreciate each and every one. xx