Wednesday, 31 December 2014
Tuesday, 30 December 2014
Crochet Angel Bears Pattern
I have had several requests for the pattern for the Angel Bears below.
The website that published the pattern is no longer up and running but fortunately I did print off a copy of the pattern it is a bit worn but I think you can still make it out.
You can see the original post about these Angel Bears here
and here is the pattern
I'm hoping it's ok for me to put this here I have to emphasise this is not my pattern but I haven't been able to find the original anywhere online, I have found the knitted version and the link for that is here
Out of respect to the original charity please don't sell any that you make, they are for charity makes and gifts only.
These little bears are great fun to make and are a great way to to use up your stash too, I added a few extra rows to the body to make the bear slightly bigger.

The website that published the pattern is no longer up and running but fortunately I did print off a copy of the pattern it is a bit worn but I think you can still make it out.
You can see the original post about these Angel Bears here
and here is the pattern
I'm hoping it's ok for me to put this here I have to emphasise this is not my pattern but I haven't been able to find the original anywhere online, I have found the knitted version and the link for that is here
Out of respect to the original charity please don't sell any that you make, they are for charity makes and gifts only.
These little bears are great fun to make and are a great way to to use up your stash too, I added a few extra rows to the body to make the bear slightly bigger.
Saturday, 27 December 2014
Mini rings of change CAL
The lovely Kate from Stitches, Scraps and Sparkles in the Sun is hosting a CAL to make this .......
I think it's amazing you could use this pattern for so many things it could be a large mandala, doily, blanket or rug. The CAL started yesterday and it's going to run until March, you can find out all about it here
I want to make a rug using these shades..
these are my favourite colours, although because of the poor lighting the true colours aren't coming through properly.
The rug is to put next to my bed to match my violet meadow blanket and then I may try to make a smaller version using finer yarn to make a matching mandala to hang on the wall.
I hope that you all have had a lovely Christmas day and are now enjoying some peace and quiet after all the preparations.
Mine is on going I have had family visiting and it's set to continue for a while at least, I am enjoying Emilys company she is very sweet, here is a picture of her and my son after they finished making the gingerbread house.
Tonight the whole family is going out for a meal at a very lovely hotel and there will be disco dancing so I'm off to find my dancing shoes :)
Enjoy your weekend!

I think it's amazing you could use this pattern for so many things it could be a large mandala, doily, blanket or rug. The CAL started yesterday and it's going to run until March, you can find out all about it here
I want to make a rug using these shades..
these are my favourite colours, although because of the poor lighting the true colours aren't coming through properly.
The rug is to put next to my bed to match my violet meadow blanket and then I may try to make a smaller version using finer yarn to make a matching mandala to hang on the wall.
I hope that you all have had a lovely Christmas day and are now enjoying some peace and quiet after all the preparations.
Mine is on going I have had family visiting and it's set to continue for a while at least, I am enjoying Emilys company she is very sweet, here is a picture of her and my son after they finished making the gingerbread house.
Tonight the whole family is going out for a meal at a very lovely hotel and there will be disco dancing so I'm off to find my dancing shoes :)
Enjoy your weekend!
Tuesday, 23 December 2014
All wrapped up.
How are you all doing? the big day is almost upon us, I hope you are all ready with the Christmas shopping and wrapping out of the way so that you can all relax and enjoy the festivities.
My sons girlfriend arrived safely from Hong Kong yesterday and she spent the whole day and night sleeping and is now sitting eating breakfast. She's so tiny and sweet and is already asking how she can help me with the Christmas preparations :)
I am almost done just a few last minute details to care of I was going to make cookies and trifle but Emily and Barry have said they will do that for me, I have a few last minute gifts to wrap but Emily has jumped in and said that she would do that for me too so maybe I can begin to relax now, it's so strange to have people do things for me and it's a great feeling.
Can you remember Emilys shawl, well I called her family and asked if they could pass by the Day Unit and collect it for her, they said they would but as yet no one has so that is upsetting me a little, I put a lot of work into the shawl and I would have liked Emily to have it for Christmas but it doesn't look like it's going to happen.
I have been waiting for the weather to brighten so that I could show you some of the gifts I have been making it's raining and cloudy again today but I have taken these photo's anyway so please excuse the poor quality.
An assortment of dishcloths, I had so much fun making these but I should have started earlier I would have liked to have made more.
This pattern was one of the patterns in Drops advent calendar this year, I had to quickly hook up a few...
to tie around the dishcloths for a pretty final touch.
I have collected lots of great Christmas gift ideas from the Drops calendar this year unfortunately I haven't had the time to use many of them but I have pinned them for next year and I will be organised much earlier, of course I say this every year haha.
Meredith has got me hooked on making these, so quick and easy and very cosy to wear too. Pattern here. I want to make one for myself in the same shades I really love it. I hope my friend will too... see those buttons they cost more than the yarn for the cowl but I saw them loved them and just had to have them. :)
Then I knit this neck warmer using the same technique as block 10 in the 200 hundred knitted blocks, it was made in no time, I can't decide which brooch looks best the flower or the snowflake what do you think?
Look what the lovely postman brought for me today presented in a lovely sack and tied with a bow from the woolwarehouse
I will open it the 26th because that's when I will be joining in with Kate for the mini rings of change CAL you can read all about it here
That just leaves me to wish you all a very Happy Christmas I hope you all have a fabulous and peaceful time with your loved ones and try not to eat too where did I put those chocolates :) xxx

My sons girlfriend arrived safely from Hong Kong yesterday and she spent the whole day and night sleeping and is now sitting eating breakfast. She's so tiny and sweet and is already asking how she can help me with the Christmas preparations :)
I am almost done just a few last minute details to care of I was going to make cookies and trifle but Emily and Barry have said they will do that for me, I have a few last minute gifts to wrap but Emily has jumped in and said that she would do that for me too so maybe I can begin to relax now, it's so strange to have people do things for me and it's a great feeling.
Can you remember Emilys shawl, well I called her family and asked if they could pass by the Day Unit and collect it for her, they said they would but as yet no one has so that is upsetting me a little, I put a lot of work into the shawl and I would have liked Emily to have it for Christmas but it doesn't look like it's going to happen.
I have been waiting for the weather to brighten so that I could show you some of the gifts I have been making it's raining and cloudy again today but I have taken these photo's anyway so please excuse the poor quality.
An assortment of dishcloths, I had so much fun making these but I should have started earlier I would have liked to have made more.
This pattern was one of the patterns in Drops advent calendar this year, I had to quickly hook up a few...
to tie around the dishcloths for a pretty final touch.
I have collected lots of great Christmas gift ideas from the Drops calendar this year unfortunately I haven't had the time to use many of them but I have pinned them for next year and I will be organised much earlier, of course I say this every year haha.
Then I knit this neck warmer using the same technique as block 10 in the 200 hundred knitted blocks, it was made in no time, I can't decide which brooch looks best the flower or the snowflake what do you think?
Look what the lovely postman brought for me today presented in a lovely sack and tied with a bow from the woolwarehouse
I will open it the 26th because that's when I will be joining in with Kate for the mini rings of change CAL you can read all about it here
That just leaves me to wish you all a very Happy Christmas I hope you all have a fabulous and peaceful time with your loved ones and try not to eat too where did I put those chocolates :) xxx
Friday, 19 December 2014
Block a Week Friday
Welcome to the final block a week Friday!
I have been looking at this block for a while and have just passed it by until now thinking it was too easy and there was nothing much to it, it is a simple design but it's lovely when it's made up, I especially like it made with this rico creative cotton it makes an ideal dish cloth, this will be gifted to one of my friends.
I have also used this stitch to make a neck warmer which I will show you when it's completely done.
I can't believe it's actually over I have met my challenge and I have really enjoyed it, I have learnt new techniques and stitches which I will be able to incorporate into many of my knitted projects.
I would like to thank everyone who has worked along with me especially the ladies from Loving Hands, in particular appledumpling who has posted her blocks every week without fail she is doing the whole 200 blocks out of the book! quite an achievement.
I will keep the challenge link displayed at the top of my blog and if anyone would like to give it a try you will have my notes to work from if you wish.
Knit a block a Week Challenge how it started.
Knit a block up and running
Have a great weekend! :)

Block 10
Horizontal Ridges
I have been looking at this block for a while and have just passed it by until now thinking it was too easy and there was nothing much to it, it is a simple design but it's lovely when it's made up, I especially like it made with this rico creative cotton it makes an ideal dish cloth, this will be gifted to one of my friends.
I have also used this stitch to make a neck warmer which I will show you when it's completely done.
Rating - easy
Curl - horizontal curl 2
size - 7"x7"
ends - 2
Progress - number of different blocks made = 52!
I can't believe it's actually over I have met my challenge and I have really enjoyed it, I have learnt new techniques and stitches which I will be able to incorporate into many of my knitted projects.
I would like to thank everyone who has worked along with me especially the ladies from Loving Hands, in particular appledumpling who has posted her blocks every week without fail she is doing the whole 200 blocks out of the book! quite an achievement.
I will keep the challenge link displayed at the top of my blog and if anyone would like to give it a try you will have my notes to work from if you wish.
Knit a block a Week Challenge how it started.
Knit a block up and running
Linking with
I will be showing the blanket which I have made from these squares when it's finished, I'm about halfway through joining the squares the worst bit by far.
Have a great weekend! :)
Tuesday, 16 December 2014
Emilys Shawl and a little chat
I feel like a spinning top, someone pulls my string and I'm off spinning spinning all day long, I bet you all feel the same phew I'm dizzy with all the hustle and bustle and planning and list making and crocheting and knitting of last minute gifts.
I just love seeing what you have all been making, so much inspiration! and thank you for all the lovely link up's at this months stash party do take a peek and do some visiting, there are some lovely makes there.
I managed to get Emily's shawl finished......
The pictures are not great as I took them at work on my phone, you have to grasp every minute you have at this time of the year...
so I took the almost complete shawl to work, all I had to do was trim the tassels and take the photo's and I managed to get that done in my lunch break.....
This was super easy and very quick to make, I think it only took me three days and I love it, of course I did model it for the ladies who were attending the Day Unit on that day, they all whistled at my catwalk interpretation and loved the shawl no pictures of my modeling debut I'm afraid :)
The sun came out and I quickly draped it over a chair to capture the suns rays.
This shawl was made with Lucys cosy blanket pattern, it was made with yarn that I had in my stash and I used the random stripe generator it's great fun give it a try if you haven't already
The edging 1sc, 2ch, 1sc in every other stitch I'm not sure how Lucy edged her blanket I honestly haven't had the time to check it out but this is very quick and easy. So there you have it I can cross this one off my list.
All the decorating, crocheting and knitting have caught up with me I'm afraid, I'm left with a very painful left shoulder and my thumbs are really hurting but I'm nearly done..
I've been making a cowl and there's just the buttons to sew on, I will show you when it's finished. I have started a knitted cowl which I pulled out twice because I wasn't happy with it, still not sure!
Tree is up.....
I'm going to put the marzipan on the Christmas cake today,
My lovely son is home from Cambridge and I'm going to spoil him rotten! and his girlfriend Emily will be here in six days yay!
I want to make yet another cowl I'm using this wool
and I would love to make some Christmas tree decorations if my painful hands will let me!
Gosh this post is long I have been on my laptop for 2 hours and I still haven't managed to catch up with you all but I will before the day is done, I hope you are clicking on the advent calendars at the top of my blog, there are some great free patterns and it's fun! (they are not affiliated links by the way)
Have a great day everyone
love ya!
linking with

I just love seeing what you have all been making, so much inspiration! and thank you for all the lovely link up's at this months stash party do take a peek and do some visiting, there are some lovely makes there.
I managed to get Emily's shawl finished......
The pictures are not great as I took them at work on my phone, you have to grasp every minute you have at this time of the year...
so I took the almost complete shawl to work, all I had to do was trim the tassels and take the photo's and I managed to get that done in my lunch break.....
This was super easy and very quick to make, I think it only took me three days and I love it, of course I did model it for the ladies who were attending the Day Unit on that day, they all whistled at my catwalk interpretation and loved the shawl no pictures of my modeling debut I'm afraid :)
The sun came out and I quickly draped it over a chair to capture the suns rays.
This shawl was made with Lucys cosy blanket pattern, it was made with yarn that I had in my stash and I used the random stripe generator it's great fun give it a try if you haven't already
The edging 1sc, 2ch, 1sc in every other stitch I'm not sure how Lucy edged her blanket I honestly haven't had the time to check it out but this is very quick and easy. So there you have it I can cross this one off my list.
All the decorating, crocheting and knitting have caught up with me I'm afraid, I'm left with a very painful left shoulder and my thumbs are really hurting but I'm nearly done..
Tree is up.....
I'm going to put the marzipan on the Christmas cake today,
My lovely son is home from Cambridge and I'm going to spoil him rotten! and his girlfriend Emily will be here in six days yay!
I want to make yet another cowl I'm using this wool
and I would love to make some Christmas tree decorations if my painful hands will let me!
Gosh this post is long I have been on my laptop for 2 hours and I still haven't managed to catch up with you all but I will before the day is done, I hope you are clicking on the advent calendars at the top of my blog, there are some great free patterns and it's fun! (they are not affiliated links by the way)
Have a great day everyone
love ya!
linking with
Friday, 12 December 2014
Block a Week Friday
Two blocks to show you this week....
This block is a simple knit one slip one stitch resulting in a very thick fabric which is ideal for pot holders. It is very slow growing, I thought it was never going to finish and I was so glad when it did!
Made with Lily sugar n cream cotton.
Rating - easy
Another slip stitch design it's amazing how different they all look, I think this one looks quite complicated but in actual fact it's as simple as can be and I really like it. This is going to be a pot holder for my daughters new Kitchen.

Block 9
This block is a simple knit one slip one stitch resulting in a very thick fabric which is ideal for pot holders. It is very slow growing, I thought it was never going to finish and I was so glad when it did!
Made with Lily sugar n cream cotton.
Rating - easy
Curl - 0
size - 7"x7"
ends - 4
ends - 4
Loop stripes
Block 32
Another slip stitch design it's amazing how different they all look, I think this one looks quite complicated but in actual fact it's as simple as can be and I really like it. This is going to be a pot holder for my daughters new Kitchen.
Rating - easy
Curl - 0
size - 7"x7"
ends - 4
Progress - number of different blocks made = 51
Linking with
Have a great weekend! :)
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