It doesn't happen very often but hey I did it, I always think that the first time back is the worst don't you? I mean the actual pushing yourself to do something that you know you should be doing but haven't done for weeks or ever in some cases.
I'm talking about going to the Gym, I joined last May and have felt great, lost the flabby bits, got more energy and generally felt much fitter because of it, but then it's so easy to stop at the least excuse, I have been busy with Christmas, New Year etc or there's no point in me going until I get through this little lot....
I haven't even shown you the biscuits, chocolate one's too!
The final push came yesterday when I was literally slumped at my desk at work, I felt fat, bloated and very tired in fact I could have fallen asleep right there and then if sleeping at work wasn't a sackable offence, I even thought of going to sit on the loo for a power nap!!
Do I enjoy going to the Gym? to be honest I think it's the most boring thing I ever did but earphones and good music help, I use the time to solve problems in my mind by focusing on things that need to be done, by the time my session has finished I have my day planned and can just get on with it.
So is it worth it? I reckon it's worth it if you are going to stick with it, I have a yearly subscription which motivates me to use the gym so that I get my moneys worth, the subscription also includes use of swimming pool and fitness classes and once I'm feeling a bit fitter I will be going back to Zumba which is great fun!
So in the meantime what will I do with all of this....
why do we buy each other so much chocolate?, hiding it away won't help because I'll just find it, giving it away will only encourage someone else to gain weight and become unhealthy, throwing it away is very wasteful so please tell me your thoughts,
I must hasten to add, along with being a Stashaholic I am also very much a Chocoholic if it's there it has to be eaten and I can't eat just one it's has to be one after another indeed sometimes TWO AT ONCE!! until I feel literally sick!
So how do you keep fit? are you trying to loose weight like me, what do you do with your chocolate stash do you just keep on eating it till it's all gone or do you give it away?
Have a great week. :)

I'm talking about going to the Gym, I joined last May and have felt great, lost the flabby bits, got more energy and generally felt much fitter because of it, but then it's so easy to stop at the least excuse, I have been busy with Christmas, New Year etc or there's no point in me going until I get through this little lot....
I haven't even shown you the biscuits, chocolate one's too!
The final push came yesterday when I was literally slumped at my desk at work, I felt fat, bloated and very tired in fact I could have fallen asleep right there and then if sleeping at work wasn't a sackable offence, I even thought of going to sit on the loo for a power nap!!
Enough!!! So this morning I forced myself to go to the Gym at 8 30 am before it got too crowded, I don't go overboard there I must hasten to add, it's a case of taking it easy and building up slowly to get my fitness levels back to where they were before my month of overindulgence, I think whatever you do there is better than nothing at all.
Do I enjoy going to the Gym? to be honest I think it's the most boring thing I ever did but earphones and good music help, I use the time to solve problems in my mind by focusing on things that need to be done, by the time my session has finished I have my day planned and can just get on with it.
So is it worth it? I reckon it's worth it if you are going to stick with it, I have a yearly subscription which motivates me to use the gym so that I get my moneys worth, the subscription also includes use of swimming pool and fitness classes and once I'm feeling a bit fitter I will be going back to Zumba which is great fun!
So in the meantime what will I do with all of this....
why do we buy each other so much chocolate?, hiding it away won't help because I'll just find it, giving it away will only encourage someone else to gain weight and become unhealthy, throwing it away is very wasteful so please tell me your thoughts,
I must hasten to add, along with being a Stashaholic I am also very much a Chocoholic if it's there it has to be eaten and I can't eat just one it's has to be one after another indeed sometimes TWO AT ONCE!! until I feel literally sick!
So how do you keep fit? are you trying to loose weight like me, what do you do with your chocolate stash do you just keep on eating it till it's all gone or do you give it away?
Have a great week. :)
Last night my gym was the busiest I'd ever seen! I was fortunate to have two weeks off work and took the opportunity to get out walking/cycling/running whenever possible in order to eat many many chocolates and huge amounts of Christmas cake! I've finally learnt that going back to work in straining trousers is no fun.
ReplyDeleteI would take the rest of the chocs into work and leave the choice to them.
Good for you Linda!! It is so hard to get back into fitness routines. I do a lot of walking, but have slacked over the holidays. The dog is getting antsy, so he's my motivation. When I'm faced with the dilemma of throwing out food that is bad for me, I look at it like this ... if I eat it, it's just being wasted in my body as garbage, so I just throw it out in the garbage. I don't like throwing out food either, but like you say, no one else wants to eat more chocolates either. I didn't get any chocolates this Christmas, for which I was thankful, but I do have a heavily rum-soaked fruit cake that no one wants to eat :( Just recycle the tins, and stuff the food far down in the garbage pail where you don't have to look at it anymore. Wendy x
ReplyDeleteLooks like you were given some yummy treats. I can't help with what to do with it, that is a hard one. I'm right along with you in trying to get off the extra weight though. Best wishes for great success, Heather
ReplyDeleteCongrats, Linda. But I could never go to the gym. Like you said, boring! I like to walk and do that as much as I can. I was going to push myself to get out there every day after school but hasn't happened yet. So much to do when I get home from school and I don't like to walk at night. So for now, I will walk on the weekends. I would never pay to join the gym as I know for sure it would be a waste of money. My husband's friend gave him two years ago for his birthday the gift of a gym membership. Do you know how many times he used it? Twice! And let me say, it was very expensive. Such a shame. But honestly it takes a lot of effort to for yourself to the gym. Whereas we are actually lucky that just 5 minutes away, there are two walking paths we can take advantage of and I can wander the neighborhood as I please since there's sidewalks for the most part and no traffic early mornings. As for the chocolate and biscuits, I don't eat them at all. If I eat chocolate, it is only the dark variety, and only one small piece with a cup of green tea. I stopped eating processed foods years ago and all that other stuff isn't really chocolate. If I am going to indulge, it has to really be worth it. I would say take all those things and share them at work. Better not to keep them at home, that's for sure. I always have chocolates and things to share in my office and it makes a whole lot of people very happy. :) Best wishes, Tammy
ReplyDeleteI used to exercise on my fitness machine (bike) , a bit of yoga and walk. Ever since I left that and got hooked to crochet and stitching, I have become overweight :(
ReplyDeleteThese days I do a bit of yoga and go for walk but I am not getting enough time and I need to get up at 5 am, finish it all before waking up my daughter for school.
I have almost given up chocolates and they are brought home only for my daughter. We don't give/get chocolates as gift but we do get lot of Indian sweets during festival, sometimes I find around 5 kg of sweets from office and neighbours and I too make at home. I keep 50% and give 50% to my maid, I always give her if there is anything special.
Well done Linda! During Christmas I become a little bit Chocoholic too, but I'm sure that return to the daily routine with a small launch break will help!
ReplyDeleteHi Linda !!!
ReplyDeleteI see you take care of yourself ! I don't do gym..I'm lazy...and I love chocolate...
Have a fun day !
Wow, Linda! Good for you. I think you have a great attitude and plan for yourself. I don't have any set routines and I really don't enjoy the gym at all, so I just try to take walks as often as I can and play actively with my kids. I like to be outside and I like to move, but I hate being sweaty. :)
ReplyDeleteWell done you!! My theory with the chocolate is to eat it myself, but... I try and just have a few bits at a time. I know it would be better not to have it at all, and I did consider just eating it all at once, but little and often - like exercise! - seems better. I hope that you keep going and can work out and work things out to your own satisfaction and happiness. xx
ReplyDeleteI begged my husband to take the rest of the biscuits to work and I did the same with the chocolates. You are right that going back to the gym for the first time is the hardest step.
ReplyDeleteHiya Linda , i have to say im totally LOVING your blog. Its fun and i look forward to seeing what you put on there next. Good luck with the gym, i wouldnt last 5 minutes. If you have time could you have a look & follow my new blog site Each week Ill be posting reviews or craft fairs & museums, Crafts made by me and others, competitions and much more. you can also follow me on Facebook at :)
ReplyDeleteWell done! I need to fight the extra poundage too! My exercise of choice is walking, we have only one gym in town (its small) and you need to take out a mortgage! I would take the chocolate to a local food charity so the needy could have a treat.
ReplyDeleteYou are much better than me. I quail at the thought of joining a gym. I exercise by walking Daisy twice a day! Crisps are my downfall, although I am fond of chocolate too. I just have an addictive personality ...heh, heh!
ReplyDeleteJacqui xx
I used to walk early in the mornings, say 6.30am at least 3km's. We live rural, and people let their dogs out early and I was surrounded by half a dz assorted sized dogs one morning. Fortunate for me I had made friends with a golden lab and he came up to me and befriended me so that was o.k. but another time he was not there, and the leader of the group that was there, was an Alsation, so I sort of turned around and went back the way I came....and....that in Australia, there are roo's out and about and the bucks have been known to I stopped walking. Phew!
ReplyDeleteI don't blame you Yaddy that sounds really scary!
DeleteGood for you!!!! Taking charge of your health is so important. Now I have to listen to my own statement. I need to firm up a bit and definitely get in better shape. Walking is my thing but it is a bit difficult with work and Little Buddy's schedule so I have to make up for it on the weekends.
Hi Linda, that is great and good luck with the gym! I try and walk my dog each morning for a half hour but now that it is so cold i guess I will have to go on my elliptical machine! UGH why are the holidays so unhealthy and then we all suffer and pay for it in January? LOL. take care.
This is great, good luck!!