Hello all you lovely people I hope that you have all had a good week, time to relax now and chill over the weekend, this a bit of a rushed post today because I'm all of a flutter, will tell you why right at the end but first
1. Mini Rings Progress
This week I worked rounds 33-35 so that I can move on to the next colour with round 36.
Using stylecraft special chunky
Round 33 - shade 1061 Plum
Rounds 34 - 35 shade 1064 Meadow
The picture was taken on a very dull day and the colours look..well dull, they are much nicer in real life.
The mini rings of change Cal is hosted by Kate and you can find out all about it here
2. Snowdrops
I found some snowdrops hidden under my lavender bushes, I had to actually go out and search for them, I knew they were there somewhere it's such a shame that they are hidden like this, I must transplant them for next Spring, I love snowdrops.
3. New Books
My boyfriend is an avid reader I mean he really loves books all four walls in his spare room have been shelved from floor to ceiling and they literally groan with the weight of the books standing on them in fact there are books on top of books, he can't get rid of a book even if he's read it dozens of times. One day there will be no room for him in his home the books will take over! and so everytime he see's a craft book he has to buy it for me, this time he bought me these...
I don't mean to sound ungrateful but I do like to choose my own knitting/crochet books because not everything appeals to me and most of these books have the same stuff in them anyway, I will make use of the first one but not the second and it upsets me to think that he has wasted his money. Do you think that I'm awful? I have tried to be diplomatic and say don't buy me any craft books because I might have them already or check with me first but it falls on deaf ears he says he likes to surprise me, I am an ungrateful bitch go on you can say it haha.
4. Stash Busting
Just a reminder for all of you stash busters it's the end of the month but you still have time to link up all your February stash busting projects the February party will close Saturday midnight. For those who are counting please leave me your totals and thank you to those of you who have done already I will be updating at the weekend.
The March stash link Party will be up and running on Sunday and I will be showing all your January favourites
5. The Appointment
Yes the dreaded appointment came through at least one of them anyway, I have to go for the MRI scan today at 5pm. I only got to know yesterday so they certainly haven't given me much notice maybe just as well this way I won't have too long to dwell on it. I'm a little claustrophobic so I'm hoping that I can tolerate lying inside a metal cylinder for half an hour wish me luck!
Just adding this here, thank you for all your good wishes, MRI went fine now just waiting for results and next scan. :)
Have a great weekend!
Joining with Amy for her five on Friday

1. Mini Rings Progress
This week I worked rounds 33-35 so that I can move on to the next colour with round 36.
Using stylecraft special chunky
Round 33 - shade 1061 Plum
Rounds 34 - 35 shade 1064 Meadow
The picture was taken on a very dull day and the colours look..well dull, they are much nicer in real life.
The mini rings of change Cal is hosted by Kate and you can find out all about it here
I found some snowdrops hidden under my lavender bushes, I had to actually go out and search for them, I knew they were there somewhere it's such a shame that they are hidden like this, I must transplant them for next Spring, I love snowdrops.
3. New Books
My boyfriend is an avid reader I mean he really loves books all four walls in his spare room have been shelved from floor to ceiling and they literally groan with the weight of the books standing on them in fact there are books on top of books, he can't get rid of a book even if he's read it dozens of times. One day there will be no room for him in his home the books will take over! and so everytime he see's a craft book he has to buy it for me, this time he bought me these...
I don't mean to sound ungrateful but I do like to choose my own knitting/crochet books because not everything appeals to me and most of these books have the same stuff in them anyway, I will make use of the first one but not the second and it upsets me to think that he has wasted his money. Do you think that I'm awful? I have tried to be diplomatic and say don't buy me any craft books because I might have them already or check with me first but it falls on deaf ears he says he likes to surprise me, I am an ungrateful bitch go on you can say it haha.
4. Stash Busting
Just a reminder for all of you stash busters it's the end of the month but you still have time to link up all your February stash busting projects the February party will close Saturday midnight. For those who are counting please leave me your totals and thank you to those of you who have done already I will be updating at the weekend.
The March stash link Party will be up and running on Sunday and I will be showing all your January favourites
5. The Appointment
Yes the dreaded appointment came through at least one of them anyway, I have to go for the MRI scan today at 5pm. I only got to know yesterday so they certainly haven't given me much notice maybe just as well this way I won't have too long to dwell on it. I'm a little claustrophobic so I'm hoping that I can tolerate lying inside a metal cylinder for half an hour wish me luck!
Just adding this here, thank you for all your good wishes, MRI went fine now just waiting for results and next scan. :)
Have a great weekend!
Joining with Amy for her five on Friday