Tuesday 31 January 2023

The First Month

 The first month of the year has been a very busy one, I haven't even had time to post or visit you lovely people so I'm making time just to check in and say hi. 

I have been busy with my involvement with my local u3a we have a lot of issues to deal with at the moment one of them being my term on the committee is coming to an end along with six other committee members and trying to get people to come onto the committee is proving to be a challenge.  I will still stay on as communications officer and manage their website and as group coordinator as you don't need to be on the committee in order to do those roles. However if someone would like to take them over I wouldn't stand in their way.  It's a shame that people don't like to get involved in the running of things but enjoy the facilities and numerous groups that are on offer. If we don't have a committee then unfortunately we will have to close down but fingers crossed it won't come to that we have until April to get more committee members on board. 

I have been crafting none stop throughout January with lots of projects on the go I started this at the beginning of the year and hope to complete a section a month...


I finished January yesterday just in time for the start of the new month and I'm now choosing colours for February, I'm thinking lots of pink and red because of valentines and maybe some yellow and purple because of the Spring bulbs that I hope will soon begin to appear.

You can find the pre printed fabric here to purchase on Stitchdoodles

I did complete the Festive Forrest embroidery and will show you once I have it framed.

Then just to keep things interesting along with the sewing I have been making these..

These little owls are requested by NHAPThey place one in a little bag along with a message and are left outside for someone to find in the hope that it will put a smile on someones face and also to bring awareness of NHAP and the work that it does, I have just been to my sewing group today and they are going to make some fabric ones too.

As if that wasn't enough we are going to decorate our Mariner again, regular readers of my blog will remember this back in 2019, can you believe that display was left intact throughout the whole of the summer, people loved it and came from miles around just to see it.  It had a mention in our local press as well.  We felt that we needed to spread a little joy again in these depressing times so watch this space as all kinds of beach themed objects begin to emerge. 

I hope you have all had a lovely start to the new year, I'm going to have a pop around to see what you have all been up to. 😊