Thank you for all your lovely comments about my granny sampler blanket and of course thank you for all your good wishes and congratulations for the birth of my lovey little grandson Mikey.
I have more good news to share with you...
I did ask my son and daughter in law if they needed anything making for the baby before he was born but they said no that they had everything, can you imagine how I felt! I had been making and storing baby things for years and placing them in my granny drawer which has spilt over to a suitcase in the loft 😄.
My house has sold and the sale has gone through! it's such a relief as I'm sure you an imagine I was holding my breath until the keys were actually handed over but thankfully it was fifth time lucky and I can now draw a line under it and move on. 😊
There are lots of things to be done to my new house which is always a pain when you have to try to find decent workmen who won't charge stupid prices but I will take it one step at a time and try not to get overwhelmed with it all.
Craft wise I have just completed a little blanket for Mikey....

When the baby was born I gave them this one which I made way back in November 2012......
you can see the post here.
A few days after the baby was born my son asked me if I would make a couple more blankets so that's why I made the Bubbles baby blanket above and I gave them this one too which I had stored in the loft..
Gosh I can't believe that it was 2011 when I made this you can see the post here I can't believe I've been blogging that long either where does the time go.
The Pattern for the Bubbles baby blanket can be found here
I'm still working on my Arizona blanket and I love how it's turning out but more about that later, the sun is shining and I'm going to take advantage before it disappears and give my lawn it's first hair cut of the season. 😊
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Linking with..
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and all the other great parties listed in my right sidebar