Another Friday already I can't believe it, I hope you have all had a great week, I'm taking five minutes to have a little catch up...
So last Monday in preparation for the upcoming decorating of lounge I cleared the room of all its ornaments and pictures, took curtains down removed picture hooks, dusted the walls and ceiling then gave them a wash down, I'm painting over a textured paper so a few repairs had to be made here and there. All the bit's and pieces were taken upstairs and dumped into son number three's bedroom because he's away at Uni, every bit of free space including the bed was covered.
When evening came I was shattered plonked myself down onto soon to be banished sofa when there was a knock on the door and in walks son number two. To say I was surprised is an understatement because I see him usually only at Christmas and one or two occasions during the year, to cut a long story short he's having a few problems so he wanted to use mother as a sounding board. I didn't mind at all in fact it was so lovely to see him despite being dead on my feet he was well fed and watered and generally waited on hand on foot. He then asked if he could stay over, yes you've guessed it I had to go back into son number three's room and clear it of all the lounge stuff just so that son number two could actually see the bed never mind sleep in it. I even supplied him with new tooth brush and you should have seen the lovely breakfast I prepared for him the next morning. Why are we mothers such a walkover when it comes to our sons, or is it just me?
I've been making .....
These squares are for Jill from Emerald cottage, she is asking for squares for the Autism project do pop over if you haven't already and see if you can help out, you can read all about it here.
I'm loving the fitbit just look at this....
mind you I have only managed it twice I didn't realise just how difficult it is to walk 10.000 steps everyday but today I received my marathon badge apparently I have walked 42 kilometers in the past week yay!
I'm going to shut up now so that you can pop round and see what everyone else has been up to this week it's Amy's Five on Friday first anniversary today so do join in. :)
Have a great weekend. xx