Wednesday 15 May 2024

I'm Still Here!

 Once again I'm just popping in to say hi.  I'm still pretty swamped with family stuff right now, two of my family members are going through serious surgery.  One had their operation last week and the surgery went well but we won't know how successful it was for enother couple of weeks.  The next one is this Friday and it's a big one! I daren't say too much about it but as you can imagine we are all hoping and praying that it will go well.

I hope you are all doing well, I will get back to this little space of mine once things calm down a little.

In the meantime here is a little light relief in the form of a video that I made with photos I took from our first u3a gardening trip of the year to Parcevall House & Gardens set in the beautiful Yorkshire Dales.