Friday 1 April 2022

The Granny Rose and Hello April

 I love April it's my favourite month of the year, longer nights and warmer weather but as I'm writing this there is snow falling outside, amazing really when you think that the temperatures were more than 10° higher last week, looking back to last year we had snow in April then too. At least I know that there won't be much more of it and it will get warmer. 

Looking back on March  I am happy to say that I did manage to complete everything that I said I would and a little bit extra too.  The last thing I made was another 24" square for the comfort blankets.

The Granny Rose 

I love this rose and have used it quite extensively in the past if you want to take a quick peek you can see more of my granny rose projects below. Back then, I thought it would be a lovely idea to make a blanket for my bed using this design and I set about making dozens of these roses and then crocheting them into granny squares, then other things took over and they got put to one side.  I have resurrected  these and joined them into a larger square, I think that they look really pretty and would make a lovely centrepiece for a larger blanket.

More of the Granny rose...

A Poncho For Joanie

My Family Think I've Lost The Plot

When Two CALS Meet

Granny Rose Cushion

The Granny rose pattern can be found on the lovely Astri's blog Apple Blossom Dreams.

Other Things

The trees just beyond my garden border have worried me since I moved in here over four years ago, I do love trees but when they plant them they do so without any thought of which type of tree would suit the space.

Taken yesterday as you can see a dull wet day with the odd snowfall.

These will grow over 20 feet high if left unchecked, already their roots have grown half way down my garden towards the house, I can't dig the soil because of the roots and the decking is buckled in places because of them. My garden is South facing but these trees completely block the sun when they are in full leaf.  A few years ago I asked the council if they would trim them and they refused so my neighbour and myself  took matters into our own hands and got someone to trim them for us.

Taken through my bedroom window, my heart was in my mouth watching him and he stayed up there in the midst of falling snow and sleet showers too working for over four hour on my side alone.

I've just snapped this photo below while the sun is shining you can see the difference, they don't look very pretty now but I'm sure that they will, as soon as they put on new branches and leaves in the Summer.

As I was driving home along the sea front this morning I saw this rainbow and I quickly parked the car and took a picture of it.

You can hardly see it in the photo, it looked so much nicer in real life . 

My March 

To do in April
  • Give you my thoughts about waterfall crochet.
  • Make at least one baby blanket.
  • Embroider the birth month flower daisy x2
  • Make an Easter display
  • Continue with my Spring garland.
I'm sure that lots more inspiration will come a knocking.  What are you planning for April?

Well I think it's time for a little bit of Italian study, I have learnt a few words which is better than nothing at least a few things have sunk into my brain, a few random words that on their own don't mean very much at all, ah well at least I'm trying 😀

I hope you all have a lovely weekend, take care until next time.😘😘


  1. I love that beautiful rose blanket! It's great that you have such a nice neighbor to help with the tree problem Linda. I hope you enjoy the weekend and happy April.

  2. Ciao we did Italian evening classes for 2 years but then because I broke my arm didn't go to Italy again.. the crochet rose would make a lovely centre for a bigger throw, hope you get to make one.

  3. I don't blame you for trimming those trees but will you get into trouble with the council?
    I love that little rose, I remember years and years ago making a load of those in cotton to put around a lampshade.

    1. Yes Briony I could get into trouble, especially if someone reports it so if I disappear you will know why haha x

  4. Sweet Rose Granny Square and beautiful blanket.
    Amazing rainbow over the sea. Beautiful picture, Linda.

  5. Buongiorno Linda, come sta? That's about my limit! Your rose blanket is gorgeous. I hope the tree pruning enables to sun to shine on your lovely garden. Such a shame to have a south-facing garden and not to be able to enjoy the sun. Your March achievements are lovely - thanks for posting the pics. xxx

  6. Oh, isn't that rainbow over the sea pretty. I don't blame you for getting the trees trimmed, they're damaging your property and if the council won't do anything about it then I think you're well within your rights to get them trimmed yourself. What a lovely idea to use the crochet roses in this way, I think the square will look lovely as a centrepiece in the blanket.

  7. Lovely rose granny square ! The color you choose is just perfect !
    A lot of project done and to do ! I'm not so organized...
    Lovely pictures too :)
    Your neighbor don't know how to prune trees...
    Have a cozy weekend !

  8. Those crochet rose granny squares, Linda, look gorgeous; such a beautiful blanket. You have certainly achieved a lot of crafty loveliness during the month of March. Those trees were a worry. So glad you neighbour was able to cut them down to a reasonable height. Fabulous rainbow. What a pretty drive!

  9. I wish languages came easier to me. I've been with my Arabic speaking husband for 30 years and still only know a bunch of words. He also speaks English and Urdu (he lived in India for several years in his late teens and also traveled to Pakistan, Afghanistan). I'd recognize that granny rose pattern anywhere. The colors you've chosen are lovely. I hardly ever have a plan for anything I do. Trying to make a to-do list each evening so I have some direction in my life. Lately, days and dates have no meaning at all. That's an amazing photo of the rainbow hovering over the water like that. I would have stopped, too, for a click. Take care. Happy April.

  10. I think the granny rose pattern is lovely.
    I do like your photograph showing the rainbow over the sea.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  11. ooo I love your granny rose squares, they are fab! As is the rainbow, great photo!

  12. I'm so pleased I'm not the only one who stops the car to take photos of rainbows! They are magical aren't they?
    Your rose blanket is gorgeous too, so so pretty.

  13. Your Granny Rose afghan is beautiful. I love the color you chose for the roses. It appears as periwinkle blue on my computer screen. I hope you get more sun into your backyard. You have a beautiful space there. And the rainbow picture is lovely. What a sight - right over the water.

  14. I felt sure I'd commented on this post ... but maybe not?

    Nice to see the rainbow over the water and the Granny Rose is a very nice design.

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. You did Jan, I haven't a clue why it didn't publish but thank you for commenting again. 😊

  15. Hi Linda, Happy to see you still crocheting and the granny less. Lovely! Hope all is well!


Thank you for your visit, I will always answer any questions but due to time constraints I'm not always able to reply to your comments, please keep them coming I read and appreciate each and every one. xx