Friday 2 September 2022

A Quick Hello and a CAL

 Hello all you lovely people, I'm just dropping by to say hello and to let you know that I'm fine and still around and to tell you about a new CAL that is coming soon.

 I have lots of issues that I'm trying to deal with at the moment and they are eating up my time.  Some are health related and others are home improvements.

 I am hoping to replace my bathroom and kitchen but it's proving to be more stressful than I ever thought possible. I could write a book about the ups and downs and they haven't even started the work yet, my builder keeps moving the date back so I organise everything for that date then it's pushed back again, now the date is set for around the last week of September.

I'm looking for kitchen reviews, so far I have had a quote from Wren and Howdens so if any of you have had any dealings with them I would like to know or perhaps you could recommend another company, I'm looking for budget range I can't afford high end although it would be lovely if I could.


It's another one from Rosina Plane the same designer who ran the Flora's Fauna CAL which I took part in and I did finish the blanket which I will show you once I have some decent photos.  

The HoHoHo CAL is starting on the 16th September and runs for 6 weeks.and the price of the pattern is discounted until the end of the CAL with a further reduction from Rosina's Facebook page, you can read all about it here

Wouldn't that make a lovely Christmas gift and if you follow the CAL it will be ready in plenty of time for Christmas. 

In case you are wondering yes I have purchased the pattern you know me I can never resist haha, if you haven't tried Mosaic crochet yet I urge you to give it a go it's so much easier than it looks.

Right I'm off to wash the car, it hasn't been washed for months and it's white so I'm sure that you can imagine the state it's in.

Have a great weekend and I will try to get round to say hi to you all and post more regularly! đŸ˜˜đŸ˜˜


  1. I've had a Howdens kitchen for 10 years, it still looks great, my only issue was the cabinets have holes for the door fixing on both sides, so we have loads of plastic caps on the opening side of the unit. It does not effect their use, but I hate seeing them.

  2. Lovely to hear from you, I've been wondering if all's well. I hope the health issues are nothing serious and that everything gets sorted out very soon. As for the home improvements, don't get me started, it's just so stressful because nothing ever runs to plan, does it. I'm afraid I haven't had any dealings with either Wren or Howdens so can't help there but I hope your builder sticks to this latest date he's given you. The CAL looks lovely but a little beyond my crochet skills I fear.

  3. IT is a beautiful project Lina, wishing you well on all of your creating and renovations.

  4. I hope you feel better and wish you luck on your house renovations Linda. The blanket is so pretty and i hope you enjoy the CAL. Enjoy the weekend Linda.

  5. The Christmas blanket is a pretty project, It will be great seeing your progress on it.
    Hope the heath issues are not serious, and you feel better soon, Linda.

  6. Hope that everything is going to be ok !
    Lovely Christmas blanket !
    Have a shinny weekend !

  7. I hope your health issues are resolved very soon and that your building plans run smoothly. Keep remembering how lovely it will all be once the work is completed. X

  8. The Christmas CAL looks lovely Linda and I shall look forward to seeing pictures of yours as it progresses. Large projects on the house are always stressful to some degree no matter how much we try and plan the detail. I hope your builder sticks to the latest date.

  9. I do hope your health issues can be sorted soon.

    In respect of building work/home improvements, it is always stressful. One of our daughters used Howdens and she was very pleased ...

    Take care

    All the best Jan

  10. Looks like the perfect CAL for you. Hope you are keeping well.

  11. It's good see you're alive and kickin'. I hope all things get worked out soon - and to your satisfaction. I hope you bring us along on the remodels! :)


Thank you for your visit, I will always answer any questions but due to time constraints I'm not always able to reply to your comments, please keep them coming I read and appreciate each and every one. xx